Yaakov’s Thoughts
A) Amir
#7: I think that Amir’s quote means that even though it is a garden and gardens are beautiful, this was the community garden. This community garden didn’t only contain beautiful fruits and vegetables like pumpkins, radishes and eggplants, but it also became the home base to all different races and ethnicities of Cleveland. When all of the people in the garden became friends, Amir’s quote makes complete sense.
B) Florence
#5: In this book, when all of the people joined the garden, they all became part of their own small community. When Florence refers to all of the gardeners as “Seedfolks”, I am guessing that she giving a name to the small community of people in the garden in her own way.
#6: I'm guessing that Florence wrote this chapter at least one year after the event happened. My reason for thinking this is that when she says "that year", it means that at least a year past after the cold winter.
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Yaakov's Thoughts
Posted by
Adam Gelmon
6:32 PM
EItan's Thoughts
1- Amir’s age is around the 30 or 40
2- Amir’s ethnicity is Indian and lives in India
3- Amir’s contribution was learning about different nationality and make knew friends and make the garden a colorful place
4- Because when Amir is involved in the garden it reminded him like back home in India
5- Amir said that all Polish woman and men make cabbage and there rich and when someone here’s that they will fill hurt and start saying mean things about him
6- People think Royce is homeless and scary and a thief
7- Amir what’s the garden a better place and he wants to keep it safe and make it better.
1. Florence is 35 years old
2. Florence is black
3. Florence wants the garden to be safe and nobody to stealing
4. Florence wants to change her place and wants to plant in the garden
5. I think the author choose this title seed folks because all the characters had something to do with a garden
6. It reminds her of growing up in her country
Posted by
Adam Gelmon
6:31 PM
Monday, December 14, 2009
Seth's Thoughts
7. I think that he means the greatest benefit was not how beautiful it was to the eye, but that its true beauty was how it was able to bring everyone together. It allowed people who would have otherwise not known each other to become friendly.
5. She means that “Seedfolks” are like our ancestors. They plant themselves somewhere, and the family grows and spreads out to many places. “Seedfolks” could also be people we are connected to. I think that the author chose this title because all the characters are each other’s “Seedfolks” through the garden.
Posted by
Adam Gelmon
7:11 PM
Thank you for all of the thoughtful contributions on Seedfolks!
If you are having any trouble finding information to answer your questions, you don't have to look very far.
All answers and the graphic organizers are due tomorrow in addition to the binder checks.
Posted by
Adam Gelmon
5:29 PM
Barbie's Thoughts on Florence
5. What Florence means by the word seedfolks is that everyone had a different part in the garden despite the fact that they only had around two things in common; 1. They all had troubles and hardships. 2. They all helped out with the garden. I think the author choose this title because it in one word pretty much sums up what the whole book is about. They are all folks, and they all either plant seeds or protect seeds. I think it also kind of means love because they all love seeds or gardening and they all like each other as friends some people even feel that the garden is like family. The book is also about working together through whatever and I feel seedfolks the title describes everything that has to do with working together and love.
6. I think Florence wrote the chapter 2-3 years after the garden had started I think that the author purposely wrote the chapter of Florence like this to show that even after a few years the garden was still going strong. It also shoes that everyone is committed to something in their life they just have to find that something.
Posted by
Adam Gelmon
4:51 PM
Liam's Thoughts
For question 7 in Amir's chapter. I think that the people are becoming a community, and becoming friends, and thats all because of the garden. For question 5 and 7 which are bonus on Florence chapter, I think that the answer for 5 is that the first seeds get planted and then more and more people come along and help. For 7 the answer is "the area of the garden now was just some soil a couple months ago, and became a believing community after a while, and Florence wrote this a week after Amir I think"
Posted by
Adam Gelmon
4:49 PM
Rosie's Thoughts
blog bonus question about Amir:
I think that when Amir says "The gardens greatest benefit, I feel is not the relief to the eyes, but to make our eyes see the neighbors." I think he means that the garden is beautiful, but even better than that it brought all the neighbors and the community of Cleveland Heights together. During the book most of the characters became friends and help each other in all different ways. In all of the chapters other people are mentioned, people that the garden was planted for or in honor of, people that are part of the garden. With all those people involved many friendships and relationships that could last a lifetime were formed. The garden made everyone come together as a community and as a family, it also made them care more about the place they live, and the thing inside of it.
blog bonus questions about Florence:
5. I think when Florence said that her family were the seed folks what she meant was that a seed is the beginning of something so I think that she is taking the term seed and applying it to people. If I am right than seed folks means the fist people to do something. Her family “was the first black family in the whole County. My father called them our seedfolks because they were the first of our family there.”
I think that the author chose Seedfolks as the title of the book because they are the seeds of the garden setting an example and as Florence said “any of the people who started the garden on Gibb Street their seedfolks too” “I’m talking about the first year before there were spigots and hoses, and the tool shed, and the new soil. And before the landlords started charging more for apartments that look on the garden.” Things like this are also mentioned in some of the other chapters like in Nora’s chapter she says, “Pantomime was often required to get over language barriers. Yet we were all subject to the same weather and pests, the same neighborhood, and the same parental emotions toward our plants. I f we happened to miss two or three days, people stopped by on our return to ask about Mr. Myles’s health. We, like our seeds, were now planted in the garden.”
6. I think Florence wrote this chapter about 2 and a half years later in winter after because she says that first year which means that there already was a first year and then she says that months are passing fall, winter, spring, summer, fall and then winter. I think that now the winter is just over and Kim is coming to plant her Lima beans.
Posted by
Adam Gelmon
3:02 PM
Yaakov's Thoughts...
I think that Amir’s quotation means that even though it is a garden and gardens are beautiful, this was the community garden. This community garden didn’t only contain beautiful fruits and vegetables like pumpkins, radishes and eggplants, but it also became the home base to all different races and ethnicities of Cleveland. When all of the people in the garden became friends, Amir’s quotation makes complete sense.
Posted by
Adam Gelmon
3:01 PM
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Adi's Thoughts
7. I think that what Amir is trying to say is that the garden brings people closer together. Together they break the rules and communicate and talk with each other. Different people all together as a community, helping each other and helping themselves to new friends. He is trying to say the garden is not just a community garden it is a life long experience that brings people together, and no matter what it helps many with their hard life to get through it and to some a reason to live.
Posted by
Adam Gelmon
8:03 PM
Noga's Thoughts
6. The people in the garden had heard stereotypes about Black teenagers and thought they where dangerous but Royce was kind and gentle. Royce has 2 sisters and likes cats a lot. He also worked well with his hands so he could help people if they were sick and in return they gave him vegetables.
7. The best thing about the garden is not the fact that it is pretty but everyone is together.
On Florence...
6. She wrote the chapter a year after all the others. I know this because she talks about the old days before Kim found the garden.
Posted by
Adam Gelmon
8:01 PM
Jamie's Thoughts
4) I think Florence’s contribution to the garden was that she was firstly like a guardian angel because she stopped someone from stealing and she was also an observer, this is important because every beautiful thing needs someone to see it because then it could not be appreciated.
5) I think Florence said Seedfolks because she was referring to people who would plant seeds and it makes sense as in Folks who plant Seeds. I also think that the author made this the title because the book is about many folks who plant seeds in a garden so it’s the same reason that Florence said Seedfolks.
6) I think Florence wrote the chapter around one year after Kim planted her beans because she makes it sound as if it was the first winter since the garden was made and Kim planted the beans right after the winter when the soil was still tough.
Posted by
Adam Gelmon
7:59 PM
Dani's Thoughts
I think when Florence says seedfolks she is referring to her great great grandparent when they were the seedfolks of the African Americans in Colorado, they were the first family of African Americans. I think the author was referring to seedfolks because the garden brought the community together, the garden kept growing just like the African Americans community in Colorado.
Posted by
Adam Gelmon
7:58 PM
Leor's Post
The people in the garden had heard stereotypes about black teenagers that they were very dangerous, but when they met Royce they saw that they weren’t true. He has a stutter and two sisters and likes cats very much. He also worked very well with his hands so he would water for people who were sick and would fix people’s fences. In return people gave him some of their vegetables. Whenever he would help someone he would never say that it was him, he was very trustworthy.
I think that when amir said "the garden's greatest benefit, I feel, was not relief to the eyes, but to make the eyes see our neighbors," he means that the most important thing about the garden was not its beauty but the fact that it connects people together and makes them one big community where they all look out for each other. Like in Virgil’s chapter people were helping his
I think Florence wrote her chapter a year after every one else. I think this because she talks about the first year before Kim and the others came, when the vacant lot was still a dump yard and before there were tools or soil. That means that she was there to see the garden change right before her eyes.
Posted by
Adam Gelmon
7:55 PM
Barbie's Thoughts on Amir
I think Amir means that the garden is something that everyone no matter their looks or religion can be a part of. It links everybody together in their own special way; even if you are only watching it or growing vegetables. In the story it linked all thirteen seedfolks together even though they had almost nothing in common. It all started with Kim a young girl just wanting to grow something to please her deceased father: everyone just caught on. Even nowadays a community garden brings everyone together just like it did in the book Seedfolks.
Posted by
Adam Gelmon
7:52 PM
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Joelle's Thoughts
I included question four as I thought it was thoughtful and perhaps could help others with their own interpretations. Thanks for this, Joelle. -Mr. G.
4) What is her contribution to the garden?
Florence’s contribution to the garden was mostly not physical, but more spiritual. She loved the garden and cared for it, but she could not plant seeds because of arthritis in her hands. Physically though, she guarded the garden, when someone tried to steal Curtis’s tomatoes, she stopped them right away. Also, she really felt as though if the garden was not happy, and it did not have people planting in it ( like in the winter months) she wasn’t happy either.
5) What do you think Florence meant by “Seedfolks” and why did the author use this for the title of the book? BLOG BONUS
I think that what Florence meant by Seedfolks is that there were many people in the garden, all different, but 2 things they all had in common, 1: they all had troubles, and 2: they all had one big part in the garden, a part of a growing family. I think the author used this as the title because it really summarizes what the book is about; people getting together to form a beautiful garden, and a beautiful relationship.
6) When did Florence write the chapter? She talked about that first year which would indicate quite a bit of time has passed. BLOG BONUS
I think Florence wrote the chapter 2 or 3 years after everyone else. I think this because all the members of the garden still are very committed and still garden a lot. Except in the winter months, there is at least one person gardening every day. Also, the people are still planting the same things, like Curtis, he is still planting tomatoes and someone is still trying to steal them. I think the author made Florence's part years after all the other character's to show that even years later, the garden is still up and running.
Posted by
Adam Gelmon
7:29 PM
Salome's Thougths...
I think that what Amir means, is that the whole point of having a
community garden is that there must always be a place where everyone
(no matter where they are from, or their skin color or how many
mistakes they might have made in the past) be able to express
themselves through gardening. The garden is also a place where you can
get to know your neighbors and socialize, as the phrase mentioned.
What Florence means when she says "seedfolks" is that she is referring
to her family in the country. They used to farm there and the garden
reminded her of when she did. But the author chose the word
"Seedfolks" as a title because the book is about these different
people who decided to make a garden together so that they would forget
about the tragedies in their lives.
I think that she wrote the chapter a few years ago. When she talked
about "that first year" she meant, she had just arrived in the
neighborhood and didn't know about the garden.- from Salome 6A
Posted by
Adam Gelmon
7:27 PM
Gabi's Thoughts...
I think she meant that they were the pioneers of African American people in Colorado, the same as the people of seedfolks were the pioneers of the garden.
Posted by
Adam Gelmon
7:26 PM
Hana's Thoughts
What does Florence mean by the word “Seedfolks”? Why do you think the author chose this title for the book?
I think what Florence means when she is talking about “Seedfolks” is that she is referring back to her ancestor who were first “planted” in the garden. Now the garden is growing and growing, not just plants but also people. I think the author chose this title because, in the book seeds grow and people grow, the seeds grow bigger, but the people become better as people. Also, the title is like the cycle of life. First the seeds are planted, just like the person is born, then the seeds grow bigger and bigger, just like humans, and then they eventually die.
When did Florence write this chapter? She talks about “the first year” which would indicate quite a bit of time has passed.
I think Florence wrote this chapter about 2.5 years after the first year of the garden passed, because she indicates that fall, winter, spring, summer and again fall passed. Then she finally saw one person come back to plant seeds, witch was Kim. After she saw Kim she probably started to write in the winter, after that fall.
Posted by
Adam Gelmon
12:24 PM
Isobel's Thoughts
When Florence says “Seedfolks” I think she means a new generation of freedom and happiness like Florence’s father told her. I think the author chose “Seedfolks” as the title because not only is Seedfolks a new generation of happiness but when people come together to garden (seed people) it makes everyone happy. No matter what race or religion our differences do not matter. We are all connected and we can make the world a better place by working together like the Seedfolks did.
I think Florence wrote the chapter after the garden became popular and everyone had a spot to garden. When she said “that first year” I knew that she had been observing the garden for a long time, maybe even since Kim started the garden with her Lima beans. Florence loved the garden even though she couldn’t physically garden she took care of the garden just as much as anyone else did. I think the Seedfolks garden will keep going for generations and later on people will look back to what Florence said “that first year” and how she was a Seedfolk.
Posted by
Adam Gelmon
12:03 PM
Jacob's Thoughts
SeedFolks the Final Chapters – Florence
I think what Florence means by the word seedfolks, is that in a family, your great great great… grandparents would be the seeds and then their children would grow from the seeds, which would be the grandparents (the seeds). I think the author chose the title “Seedfolks” for the book because each and every character works or watches the garden. Some of the characters, such as Gonzalo, are very young, while others like Sam are older. They can all learn from each other, if you think about it.
Posted by
Adam Gelmon
11:43 AM
Friday, December 11, 2009
Liam's Thoughts
I think everyone in the garden was looking for a community, and when they got the chance they took it. I think the greatest benefit of the garden is that it brings people together, and makes hope in the used to be dirty Cleveland.
Posted by
Adam Gelmon
2:10 PM
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Jamie's Thoughts
What I think Amir meant when he said this statement was that when all these different raced people are walking on the street, they’re too scared to try to communicate with other people when they don’t speak the same language because they’re afraid that this person or that person is a gang member or not a good person. Take Royce for example, he looked like a really bad guy but all he really wanted to do was help, when he was in the garden, he could be nice and not be aggressive because everyone else was nice to him. I think that people were just very unsure of themselves when they weren’t with friends in the garden doing something familiar, not hearing people speak a foreign language.
Posted by
Adam Gelmon
5:41 PM
Hana's Thoughts...
I think what Amir means is that the reward of the garden isn’t just the beauty of it, but how it brought together all different sorts of people. When we read the chapter about Sam he thought the garden was just like the rest of Cleveland Heights, but now the garden is the total opposite. Everyone is friendly to each other no matter what color, race or religion.
Posted by
Adam Gelmon
3:51 PM
Neev'e Thoughts
I think that he means is that it doesn’t matter who turns up or how the plants look, its just for people to put an effort and make the world a better place.
Posted by
Adam Gelmon
3:50 PM
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Joelle's Thought on Amir
I think Amir means that the garden is not only for beauty, but to bring the neighbors of Cleveland Heights, all those troubled people, together. The garden is helping 13 different people get smiles back on their faces.
Posted by
Adam Gelmon
9:39 PM
Isobel's Thoughts
Here is my blog bonus Mr. G!
Blog Bonus
7. I think the quotation, “the garden’s greatest benefit, I feel, was not the relief to the eyes, but to make the eyes see our neighbours,” means that the garden even though is beautiful to the eye, it also brings neighbours together and work as one to make something beautiful.
Posted by
Adam Gelmon
5:19 PM
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Jacob's Answer
I think what Amir means when he said, “The garden’s greatest benefit, I feel, was not relief to the eyes, but to make the eyes see our neighbors” is that everyone, no matter what race or religion you are, can come together in the garden, and form a community. I truly recognized this when Amir met the Polish women and realized that his stereotypes about Polish people were wrong, and they could also be nice and friendly. Sam was like Amir in a way, because he was friendly to everyone, no matter what race or skin color.
-By Jacob L.
Posted by
Adam Gelmon
6:49 PM
Seedfolks: The final Chapters
Please answer these in your Reading Power Notebooks. These are all due on Tuesday, December 15th.
Blog Bonus: any questions with "Blog Bonus" next to them is an opportunity to earn extra points. If you email your answers to me for posting on our blog, you will receive two bonus points each. I will only post answers that have been proofread. Remember, if this is going out on the World Wide Web, it better be polished!
Chapter 12: Amir
1. What is his age?
2. What is his ethnicity?
3. What is his contribution to the garden?
4. What was his reason for becoming involved in the garden?
5. What are some of the stereotypes Amir has about Polish people, and how does his
attitude change when he meets one?
6. What do we learn about Royce through Amir?
7. Amir says that, "the garden's greatest benefit, I feel, was not relief to the eyes,
but to make the eyes see our neighbors." What does he mean? Use examples from other
chapters. BLOG BONUS
Chapter 13: Florence
1. What is her age?
2. What is her ethnicity?
3. What is her contribution to the garden?
4. What was the reason for her becoming involved?
5. What does Florence mean by the word "Seedfolks"? Why do you think the author
chose this title for the book? BLOG BONUS
6. When did Florence write the chapter? She talks about "that first year" which would
indicate quite a bit of time has passed. BLOG BONUS
Posted by
Adam Gelmon
10:33 AM
Friday, December 4, 2009
-Parents sign and read your Seedfolks project marks and responses (Tues)
-Binder check Tuesday
-All corrections or redone Seedfolks entries must be in by Tuesday
Posted by
Adam Gelmon
10:53 AM
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Friday, November 27, 2009
Seedfolks Introduction by Josha
Set in Cleveland in a multi-ethnic neighborhood, Seedfolks is a story that transforms the individual lives of thirteen very different people.
It begins with one Vietnamese girl who is mourning for her dead father. She is the first to dig into that rat-infested lot- with the wild hope that the seeds she plants may attract her father’s spirit. Many are to follow. But how are they all connected you ask? Through the belief- each in their own way – that tending the garden could be the answer to the central struggles of their lives.
Piece by piece, story by story, the garden begins to come alive. The once vacant lot- like the once lifeless neighborhood and it’s seedfolks- becomes vibrant, colourful and full of meaning.
For any reader, Seedfolks is a journey that cannot be missed!
By Josha
Posted by
Adam Gelmon
10:40 AM
Proofreading worksheets and binder checks due Tuesday
Posted by
Adam Gelmon
9:54 AM
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Friday, November 20, 2009
1. Rehearse your part for Seedfolks read-a-loud
2. Finish up posters
3. Binder check
Bonus: "Jing" your presentation (jingproject.com)
Posted by
Adam Gelmon
12:43 PM
Friday, November 13, 2009
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
1. 2 multi-genre glossary entries (words from your novel) Due Thursday
2. "My Humanities Binder" parent signature Due Thursday
6A must have locks on lockers by next Monday.
Posted by
Adam Gelmon
3:42 PM
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Homework Grade 6
-Multi-genre glossaries or spell x 10 each word you misspelled in your last two assignments (a maximum of 5) Due Monday
Posted by
Adam Gelmon
11:20 AM
Monday, November 2, 2009
Homework Grade 6
"Prior Knowledge" entry for any of the Seedfolks characters/chapters up to now (Tues)
Posted by
Adam Gelmon
12:42 PM
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Buddy Picnic Tomorrow
Tomorrow's the big day! Bring your buddy books and a snack (for 4-6 people) for our picnic.
Posted by
Adam Gelmon
5:39 PM
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Buddy Books
Polished and bound copy of your buddy books due on Thursday, June 11th.
Posted by
Adam Gelmon
10:54 AM
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
1. Glossary words: (contort, expanse, sprawled, grotesque, implore) Thursday
2. Glossary Test: Friday
Posted by
Adam Gelmon
10:08 AM
Saturday, May 16, 2009
The Giver Journal Question
What type of personality traits would make someone successful and happy in the ‘Giver’ society? Which of your traits would help you and which would make it more difficult?
I think that if you were to life in the ‘Giver’ society you would have to be an easy going naïve person. You are unable to question in the ‘Giver’ so you would it would not be helpful if you were independent or if you always wanted an explanation for everything.
I think that the fact that I am kind of an observer could be helpful. I think that being able to see things and understand them would help a lot in the ‘Giver’ society. I am sometimes (when I want to) able to blend in to crowds and be less noticeable. I think that this could help because in the ‘Giver’ society no one is supposed to stand out or be different.
A few personality traits that might make life in the ‘Giver’ society a little more challenging would be my independence, questioning, sarcasm, sense of humor and how I like to ‘challenge’ authority.
It would be hard to live in a society where everyone is the same when you have an independent personality. I do not like to be doing what everyone else is doing all the time so being forced to do the same things as everyone else would really bother me. I find it weird when people wear the same clothes or do the same hair styles as everyone around them and that is what happens in the ‘Giver’ society. I prefer to stand out and be different.
In class I almost never let anything go by with out asking a question about it. In the ‘Giver’ society you are not allowed to ask questions about pretty-much everything. I do not like it when I get a simple answer that does not really answer the question that I asked. Simple answers are the only answers anyone gets in this book. Outside of class I ask people questions too. It would be very hard for me to stop being curious about life and everything that goes on.
I find it weird how in the ‘Giver’ society you are not allowed to exaggerate or joke about anything. I enjoy joking around about stuff and being sarcastic. Without jokes life is boring and bland. It would be very hard for me to not be sarcastic or make a joke about something in a day.
I do not like to follow rules that I find do not make sense. If a rule does not make sense to me I would either disobey it or question it. In the ‘Giver’ society all rules must be obeyed. I would probably get released fast because I can see myself breaking over three rules in one day! It would be hard to switch from a freedom to strict rules.
I think that moving to the ‘Giver’ society would not be a good idea for me because I would have a bit of a problem with one or two rules…. Or maybe a few more!
Posted by
3:01 PM
Friday, May 15, 2009
The Giver Week 4 Glossary
annex ˈanɛks
A building joined to or associated with a main building, providing additional space or accommodations.
Sentence: The annex on 5th street is white and blue.
alcove |ˈalˌkōv|
A recess, typically in the wall of a room or of a garden.
Sentence: The queen’s alcove looked over her kingdom.
fretful |ˈfretfəl|
Feeling or expressing distress or irritation.
Fretful is to unsettled as small is to tiny.
admonish |ədˈmäni sh |
verb [ trans. ]
Warn or reprimand someone firmly.
Sentence: Bob admonished Jill about going into the Cavern of Peace.
tentative |ˈtentətiv|
• done without confidence; hesitant.
Sentence: Joe tentatively listened to Bob’s “advice.”
Posted by
8:43 AM
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Chapter 10- Bram
I think that if you were living in Jonas’ society you would need many things to be successful and happy. The first major thing would be being very conforming and trustworthy. You would need to be able to follow rules easily. I can be a little bit of a trouble maker sometimes and I would find this really hard. I’d probably get a lot of smacks. Almost everybody in this book is all polite and conforming. You don’t hear a lot of people breaking the rules. I also think you’d have to be modest as an adult. The penalty for showing your body to another is a major rule. You should obviously have the same kind of things you have here. You should be smart, energetic, fun. Almost all of the people in this society have all these things. Almost all of them are close to perfect.
I think that a lot of my normal qualities like brains, strength, and other things of that sort would help me. The fact that I think for myself would be very hard. I am not very good at following. This would make my life in this society extremely hard. The only job Id be good at it is the Committee because I could give my opinions and they would affect the community for the better.
Posted by
7:16 PM
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
MVP Allocations
Reminder!! Allocation meetings are tomorrow. Please make sure you have read the booklets and are prepared to discuss all the agencies in them.
Posted by
Adam Gelmon
3:24 PM
Monday, May 11, 2009
Journal Question
In order for someone to be happy in the “Giver” society they would need to not fit into our society. They would have to be oblivious to the world around them, because you aren’t allowed to ask a lot of questions. They would have to be accepting because there are weird rules that come up sometimes that you can’t question and you just have to accept. They must enjoy work and not need pleasure, because the “Giver” society tries to avoid pleasure, i.e. the pills and not having entertainment. They must enjoy blending in because the society wants everyone to be alike. Finally, they must follow and never question the rules.
I think I would have a very difficult time in the “Giver” society. I can be curious, I complain, I like change and I don’t like to accept things without knowing what I am accepting. These are all things you need to fit into Jonas’ society. At times it would benefit me to have decisions made for me because sometimes I have trouble making up my mind on things. Also I enjoy biking, although I don’t know if you are allowed to bike for pleasure. Basically, that society isn’t for me.
Posted by
11:11 PM
The Giver Chapter 10
If I was in the “Giver” society, I think that some of my traits would work and fit in, but some of them wouldn’t be acceptable. Being loyal is probably one of the biggest things that would help me because in the society you have to be honest about your actions. If I were to be disloyal and lie, then that would not help me a lot. Being smart would help me because in the society if I was smart I would be able to get a better assignment and would be able to help out the society more. It could also be bad for me because if I’m smart, then I may realize that there are some major things wrong in the society, and I would brake the rules.
My two traits that would make life the most difficult for me would be that I am questioning and a party animal. In their society, asking questions is considered to be extremely rude and is also forbidden. It would make my life too difficult if I were to always be asking to many questions. Also being a party animal would not be good because it would probably brake many of the rules, and it could get me in a lot of trouble with them.
Posted by
10:46 PM
Journal Question
In the “Giver Society” you must act a certain way or else you may be in risk of getting released. I think it is dumb that everyone must be the same and follow a strict set of rules. When everyone acts the same, it results in a boring society where there is no free speech or individuality. Some traits that I have realized in the society so far are oblivious, unsophisticated, accepting, unaware, gullible, wise, polite, obedient, honest and similar. All these traits are the key to be successful in the giver society, but in a normal society these traits could sometimes lead you to bad situations.
I think my traits would not go together well with the giver society in some cases and in others they would. I am a very independent thinker and like to share my own opinion one things. In the giver society, this is no allowed and you must obey all rules. In other words, you do not have any say towards anything. I am also very questioning and I like to learn more through my questions. In the giver society you are not allowed to ask questions as a normal person. On the other hand, I am an honest person and am happy to tell someone how a feel. In the giver society, this is important during the “sharing feelings” or “dream telling” activities.
Posted by
9:34 PM
The giver journal
I would think that the ideal personality traits for someone who lives in the giver society would have to be a follower. Everyone is very close to being exactly the same and a ‘perfect’ person. If they are not like the other children, adults or elders they will get released and no longer be part of the community. I think that some of the most useful traits in this society that we don’t always have is truth and politeness. Some of the bad traits would be like no asking questions and no being unique. In the society all it is is a strict schedule for the day. There is only a little way for being unique in this matter.
In this society I would probably not fit in very well. I only lie when I have to and I like to ask many questions about everything. If my best friend was being released I wouldn’t just stand there and watch him or her be released into who knows where. I would stand up and tell them to not release my friend. For this act I would probably be released. The other part I don’t like about this society is the dream and feeling sharing with your family. As we grow we get different thoughts and dreams that are usually better to keep to ourselves.
Posted by
9:28 PM
Journal Question
It all depends on your personality, if you are a fun, energetic, athletic and love of playing games you will get a job that satisfies you which will obviously make you happy. Also if you are very accepting and follow the rules without asking questions you could fit in much easier. If I were in the “Giver” society I think that since I am a very talkative and engaging person which helps me meet a lot of people and make a lot of friends. On the other hand, if I lived in the “Giver” society I wouldn’t fit in very easily because I talk out of hand and my grammar isn’t very good. SMACK!
Posted by
Noah Bogdonov
9:19 PM
Giver Questions
In the Giver society every one must have the same personality traits or else they would get released. No one is the exact same but I think everyone in the society acts very similar. The traits that I have noticed in the society that are similar are that they are oblivious, gullible, following, conforming, unsophisticated, average, truthful, polite, accepting, bliss and similar. I think that some of these traits are good to have but also it is not always the best to be completely accepting and following.
In the society of the Giver I think my traits would fit in alright. Unless the society was proposing something outrageous I would probably follow and not argue. In the society the people who enforce rules are highly respected so I would probably follow and respect them and not give them a hard time. The thing that would not work for me is I am a quiet and secretive person so I would not want to share my feelings every night with my family. I would probably refuse and get into trouble with the society. I find it weird how they are so open with each other but the people living in the community probably think it is normal because they would not know otherwise.
Posted by
8:03 PM
Journal Question By Jonah 7B
Someone who likes playing games and having fun would make a good trait because you would probably get a good job that would be fun. I am a nice person and always excited so maybe I would get an exciting job. My bad trait is that I am not so patient which is bad because you need a lot of patience in some good couriers.
Posted by
3:15 PM
Journal Question By Jonah 7B
Someone who likes playing games and having fun would make a good trait because you would probably get a good job that would be fun. I am a nice person and always excited so maybe I would get an exciting job. My bad trait is that I am not so patient which is bad because you need a lot of patience in some good couriers.
Posted by
3:15 PM
Glossary Homework Due Tuesday, May 12
(1-2 Paragraphs)
What type of personality traits would make someone successful and happy in the "Giver' society? Which of your traits would help you and which would make life difficult?
Posted by
Noah Bogdonov
1:45 PM
1. Journal Question (Tues) Blog bonus available
2. Glossary words (annex, alcove, fretful, admonition, tentative) (Wednesday)
3. Glossary test (Fri)
Posted by
Adam Gelmon
1:43 PM
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Blog Bonus: Birthmothers
My opinion on the assignment of a “birthmother” is mixed. It is honourable in the sense that you are chosen to create the children that form the society. Without the role, new generations would not be possible and the society would one day come to an end. This is a very good reason to why birthmothers can be important.
You can also look at from a different point of view. Being a birthmother may seem like you are being used. All the work put towards having three children will not allow you to gain anything, and you are not even able to keep the children. I believe that this is not fair and that the birthmother should receive some credit.
Posted by
8:41 PM
Chapter 6 Questions
Hi Mr. G
Chapter 6
1. A child replacement is a child that is given to a family who has lost their previous child. Is it a good thing? Yes and no. Yes because you get a new child because your previous one had been lost, and no because it can bring back bad memories and sadness from the time you lost your child.
2. The release of the Elder is a joyful celebration where the Old go to a “better place”. While the ceremony of Loss is a more solemn event on which we commemorate a loss in the community.
Which I think is two separate things.
3. I think Jonas trusts the committee because they have done this so many times before and our very skilled. Also they have watched every step of Jonas since he became a child.
Posted by
7:43 PM
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Blog Bonus Questions
I disagree with Jonas' mother because if you are chosen to be a birthmother it means that you are worthy of doing a lot of work and you have the ability to enhance your society physically.
Posted by
Noah Bogdonov
9:04 PM
Bonus Question By Jonah
Bonus Question
I think it is still bad because when you are a birthmother you are being used.
You get luxury for three years and then you are demoted to labor.
It is like you are thrown to the dump.
I would never want to work as a labor worker my whole life because I would have nothing to live for.
Posted by
8:19 PM
Chapter 6 Questions
1. What is a "replacement child"?
2. Compare the Ceremony of Loss with the release of the elderly
3. Why do you think that Jonas trusts the Committee to choose an appropriate assignment for him?
Posted by
Adam Gelmon
9:24 AM
Monday, May 4, 2009
1. Chapter 6 questions (Wed)
2. Glossary (solemn, fragment, reluctant) (Wed)
Posted by
Adam Gelmon
1:27 PM
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
The Giver Chapter two
The Giver chapter two: Journal Question
From my perspective, being assigned a lifelong community job at age twelve seems unfair. What happens if your interests or aspirations change? What if you grow to become bored or tired of your job? How should you know what you want to do for the rest of your life at such a young age? In Jonas’ society the twelves each year have to go through this situation.
I do recognize that the jobs are assigned according to likes, strengths, interests and aptitudes, though they can easily change as years go by. The Elders whom assign the jobs try their hardest to choose a job that fits the child. This can satisfy a child, but often can disappoint a child’s dream of being a certain job. This raises the major issue of assigning jobs. Receiving a job you dislike can affect your whole life. I believe that this is unjust to the citizens and that they should be able to speak up for themselves without having the risk of being released.
I think I would be assigned a job to help others. Weather it is a doctor, social worker, or counsellor I cannot choose yet. I enjoy taking care of others, so I believe any form of a helper would be suitable for me.
-Aviva 7A
Posted by
8:02 PM
I think that the assignment you are assigned is according to how good you are with different skills like if you are good in hand eye coordination you would have a better chance of getting assigned to a doctor, or a job that requires good hand eye coordination. I believe this is a good process and has the right idea, but you don’t get to choose what job you want. They should give you a list of the different jobs you would be best suited for; you would get to choose what job you wanted, this would make the government and the people happy that you got a job that you picked and a job that you are good at. I don’t have a clue what job I would be assigned because I am okay at sports, but they don’t have sports, I also like to take pictures, but I don’t believe that they have a newspaper or need for photography, I believe that I am like Jonas, I would be apprehensive about my job but i am exited to find out what job I would receive, maybe I would receive whatever job Jonas is getting.
Posted by
5:17 PM
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Part of Journal #2
The jobs are chosen by what your hobbies are. For example if someone liked to play with little kids they might be a Nurturer. I think that this is not a good idea because some people play with things like toy guns but they would not want to be in the army or be a police man, they might want to be a doctor or a teacher. They play with the toy guns just for fun not because they want use them in real life. The Elders in the society choose what they think would suit you best.
Posted by
9:32 PM
Giver Journal #2
The Giver Chapter 2:
Q: How are jobs or “Assignments” chosen for twelves? What are your thoughts on this process? What job might be “Assigned” to you based on the talents, skills and interests you have shown over the past years?
A: In the ceremony of Twelves, jobs are chosen by what your interests are. The Elders observed the kids, and decide on something that they believe the kids would enjoy and be good at. In the story, Jonas father was chosen to be a Nurturer because as a kid he spent a lot of his time with the newborn kids.
I find the process kind of unfair. The kids don’t get to choose their jobs; the Elders choose them for them. Some people may argue and say that it’s good, because their “Assignments” are based on the kid’s interests. I disagree because it doesn’t let the kids choose their own jobs; it makes them do a certain thing. I don’t like the idea of it, but in the book it sounds like it works well for them, because all of the kids are happy with what they get.
I may be assigned in something that has to do with math, because it’s pretty easy for me and I enjoy it.
Posted by
9:10 PM
The Giver Journal Entry #2
1) It is chosen by the Elders of the community. Over the years they watch the kids to find which job will best suit them. Except for the two years before they get their job, the Elders look very closely at their marks and especially at what they do during volunteer hours.
2) I find this way of choosing jobs good and bad. Since Jonas’ community is small the Elders will be able to know everyone. But, if the community is like the size of Vancouver, there will be too many kids and too little Elders to asses them.
3) I think that in our world I would probably be given the Job of something to do with Investing Money because that is what I am strong at and that is what I also hope to be.
Posted by
8:28 PM
Journal # 2
Journal Entry #2
I think there is a good thing and a bad thing about it.
The good thing is that the job your are assigned is fit around you, and your personality and interests. Which can be a good thing.
The bad thing is that you can’t chose what you get as your job. Why is it bad? Because how about in a year you have a whole new mindset and interests.
What I would think I would be assigned? I think I would be a doctor. I love medicine and helping people. The background is so big and needed.
Posted by
6:43 PM
Journal 2 By Jonah
In the Giver you are assigned a job from the elders. They give you a job on your personality and interest. I think that this is bad and good because you might get something that you like or something that is bad and also if you liked doing something when you were younger and as you get older your interest changed.
Everyone in my family thinks I would be a good lawyer because I am a man of justice and fair. I think everything should be even. I think the elders would make me a professional tennis player. I play tennis from 2 to 4 days in the week and compete in BC tournaments. My training coach says that I will soon be in provincial tennis. If I had to chose a favorite sport I would pick tennis. My favorite activity is fishing. I have been fishing since I was 5. Now I go fishing mostly every weekend. I caught my first fish in Penticton lake Okanagan.
Posted by
5:15 PM
The Giver Journal Entry
When you are eleven the elders take notes about you for a couple of months they base your chosen job on your actions. I do not agree with the way the elders choose the jobs because as you grow and get older you look at life differently, your actions change and so does your personality. I think that age twelve is too young to choose a job for your whole life. Lets say you were given a job that you did not like or thought it wasn’t right for you would not be able to change it you also have to be with the kids in you group for your job.
I think I would be “assigned to be a teacher for little kids because I love being around little kids I also chose this job because that is what I am told by people I know.
Sharon Ardon 7B
Posted by
11:14 AM
The giver journal 2
I personally think I would be a dentist or a doctor. My mom says “with the patient and skillful hands like yours you could use them for anything you want like being a dentist or a doctor.”
The assignments for Twelve are chosen for them according to their strengths and weaknesses. The elders are always watching the kids play around and recording things they do well and things they do wrong. Those notes later go to choosing their jobs.
My thoughts on this are both positive and negative. Positive by when you are stuck choosing a job and don’t know what you are capable of doing, other people decide what you should do according to what you are capable of. Negative by being too young to choose or get a job. You also might have many useful skills in an area and you just don’t show them to the community. Later at the ceremony those skills are trashed and never used.
Posted by
11:12 AM
Monday, April 27, 2009
Journal Questions for the Giver
#1:The jobs that have been mentioned so far in the book are nurturer, receiver and elder. Nurturers take care of the babies and make sure the babies are healthy and doing well because if one is not it will be expelled. The receiver is in charge of the rules; he is the person you go to if you want a rule passed. He has the power of deciding on the rules. Lastly elders decide on the twelve year old kid’s job based on their hobbies, talents and interests. So far in the book the jogs in their society are different than ours.
#2: My opinion on the process is mixed. I believe that it is a good thing to take on responsibility at a young age but I also believe that it should be your choice of what you do and how you do it. I think that it is good to try different things but Jonas’s society does not really give this option. I do not think it is good to be assigned to something at such a young age because you are restricted and I think it would be harder to reach out and experience all sides of life. Also you get separated from your friends if they are not assigned the same job as yourself. All in all I think it has more downs and it is not the best way of doing things.
#3: I think I would be assigned as a doctor because I am interested in science and I like taking care of people.
Posted by
8:47 PM
The Giver: Vocab List #2
awe |ô|
a feeling of reverential respect mixed with fear or wonder : they gazed in awe at the small mountain of diamonds | the sight filled me with awe | his staff members are in awe of him.
• archaic capacity to inspire awe : is it any wonder that Christmas Eve has lost its awe?
A feeling that consists of respect and
Wonder/fear and is often used when someone is surprisingly
Excited with an event that happened.
reassure |ˌrēəˈ sh oŏr|
verb [ trans. ]
say or do something to remove the doubts and fears of someone : he understood her feelings and tried to reassure her | [ trans. ] Joachim reassured him that he was needed | [as adj. ] ( reassuring) Gina gave her a reassuring smile.
Synonyms: cheer, comfort, console
Antonyms: discourage, dishearten, unnerve
incident |ˈinsidənt|
an event or occurrence : several amusing incidents.
• a violent event, such as a fracas or assault : one person was stabbed in the incident.
• a hostile clash between forces of rival countries.
• ( incident of) a case or instance of something happening : a single incident of rudeness does not support a finding of contemptuous conduct.
• the occurrence of dangerous or exciting things : the winter passed without incident.
• a distinct piece of action in a play or a poem.
incident is to occurance as big is to huge.
hoard |hôrd|
a stock or store of money or valued objects, typically one that is secret or carefully guarded : he came back to rescue his little hoard of gold.
• an ancient store of coins or other valuable artifacts : a hoard of Romano-British bronzes.
• an amassed store of useful information or facts, retained for future use : a hoard of secret information about his work.
Having lots of
Objects and guarding them in
A safe place
Really secretly so that no one finds out what you
Did take.
chastise | ch asˈtīz|
verb [ trans. ]
rebuke or reprimand severely : he chastised his colleagues for their laziness.
• dated punish, esp. by beating.
Analogy: hitting is to chastising as shovel is to hole
Posted by
3:17 PM
1. Glossary- 2 genres and a sentence (Week 2): awe, reassure, incident, hoard (Wed)
2. Journal questions (2 paragraphs) (Wed) Blog bonus for posting this one
How are jobs or "Assignments" chosen for Twelves? What are your thoughts on this process? What job might have been "Assigned" to you based on the talents, skills and interests you have exhibited over the past years?
Posted by
Adam Gelmon
12:40 PM
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Harry origins
Gender: Male
Harry \ha(r)-ry\ is pronounced HARE-ee. It is of Old German origin, and its meaning is "home ruler". The English version of the French pronunciation of Henri (aw-REE). It's used as a nickname of Henry and Harold. American use may be homage to President Harry S. Truman. Fictional character Harry Potter has also influenced the name. Prince Henry of Wales is widely known as Harry.
My parents name my Harrison after my great-grandpa Harrison.
Posted by
11:33 AM
-Vocabulary test (definition and sentence) Friday
-Your own name origin/meaning and why you were named that. (Fri)
Posted by
Adam Gelmon
11:20 AM
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Origin of names:
Gender: female
The name "Lily," is of Latin origin. It's flower name, the lily, is a symbol of innocence and purity as well as beauty.
Gender: male
The name "Jonas," is of Hebrew origin. The origin meaning of Jonas, is "dove."
Gender: male/female
The name "Gabriel," is of Hebrew origin. The origin meaning of the Gabriel is "God's able-bodied one/hero of God."
Gender: female
The name "Rosemary," is of Latin origin. The origin meaning of Rosemary is "sea dew."
Posted by
9:23 PM
Name origins
Hi Mr. G. I wanted to know if this is ok it is all I could find.
Gender: Boy
Origin: Hebrew
Meaning: Dove
Gender: Girl
Origin: Latin
Meaning: Flower (a symbol of innocence, purity and beauty)
Gender: Girl
Origin: Latin
Meaning: Dew of the sea, bitter rose of the sea
Gender: Boy
Origin: Hebrew
Meaning: God is my Strength
Posted by
8:43 PM
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
By Jonah 7B
The name "Jonas" has several meanings, and the meanings vary depending upon the several origins of the name. The Hebrew version of the name means Dove, a symbol of peace. From this it is assumed that the name Jonas means a peaceful being. The Biblical version of the name includes the Hebrew meaning, but additionally means someone who is a 'destroyer' or 'he who oppresses'. As a variation of Jonah, it can be considered to mean 'accomplishing', and a 'gift from God'.
The name has several origins, and although the main ones are considered to be Hebrew and Biblical, it also has minor roots in Greek and Swedish culture. The biblical version of the name is a derivation of the name Jonah, a famous biblical character which entered the whale's gape, but was spared, and exited the gape alive -- a prime example of God's mercy in biblical terms.
The meaning of the name Lily is Lily Flower. The origin of the name Lily is English.
The name Gabriel is origin of Hebrew. It means God is my might.
The meaning of the name Rosemary is Herb. The origin of the name Rosemary is English.
Posted by
5:30 PM
Monday, April 20, 2009
Mr. Gelmon,
I looked for the origin of Jonas but all that comes up if links to the Jonas Brothers. I searched on Google.
Posted by
8:05 PM
1. Glossary (society, conformity, utopia, dystopia, apprehensive) 2 genres each and a sentence using the word (Wed)
2. Origin of names from The Giver (Thurs)
3. Vocabulary Test: define each word and use it in a sentence (Fri)
Posted by
Adam Gelmon
1:27 PM
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Plot Structures
List some (3-5) main events in each of the parts of a story plot (from "The Lottery"). The point of this assignment is to see if you can distinguish between each of the parts of a story (Introduction, Rising Action, Climax, Falling Action, Resolution).
Here's the website we were looking at in class:
Posted by
Adam Gelmon
7:10 PM
Monday, March 30, 2009
Friday, March 27, 2009
Graphic Novels completed and printed to be handed in on Monday. Please include a title page and place it in a duotang/folder as they will be put on display for people to browse.
Posted by
Adam Gelmon
2:55 PM
Thursday, March 26, 2009
ToonDooo Isn't Working
Mr. G for some reason Toondoo isn't letting me open up my comics.
Posted by
11:31 AM
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Hey Mr. G my Toondoo isn't working right now either, so I can't load it up. I don't know if I will be able to hand in the character page tomorrow.
Posted by
8:56 PM
Toondoo comic captions
Captions for Toondoo comic
1.) Marc was a twelve year old boy in France who lives in an orphanage. The director always beats him up, so he decided that he has had enough of it. He steals the director’s bike, money and a bag of food, and runs away.
2.) Paul, Rosie and their dad Mr. Clarke were at their home when a Nazi spy breaks in and tries to kill them. He wanted to steal some important documents from Mr. Clarke, but they killed the Nazi. They realized that they had to escape to England if they wanted to be safe.
3.) Marc is biking through a small town. His bike got stolen, so he got a ride with some French Troops.
4.) In Tours, Mr. Clarke got shot down form a German plane. While he was dying, he told his kids to find a man named Henderson, and give him the important documents.
5.) The French troops end up driving drunk, and Marc ends up in Paris, alone and scarred. He broke into an empty house, and it turns out that it was Charles Henderson’s. He later finds out that Charles Henderson is a spy.
6.) While wandering around the streets of Tours, Paul and Rosie find a young boy named Hugo. He lead them to a priests house in the countryside, where they decided to stay until the can reach Henderson.
7.) Herr Potente, a German spy, broke into Henderson’s house expecting to get information from Henderson, but instead saw Marc there. He tortured Marc because he thought that he would have information, but he didn’t. The phone rang, and it turned out that Paul and Rosie had found Henderson’s number. Herr Potente pretended to be Henderson on the phone, and decided to go down to Potente to fetch the kids and documents.
8.) Henderson came home, and he found Marc there. Marc tells him what happened, and Henderson realized that they had to get to the priests house before Herr Potente did.
9.) They arrived at the priest’s house, and they all met up. They drove down to the French border so that they could catch a boat to England.
10.) Since Marc didn’t have a passport, he was not allowed on the boat. Paul and Rosie went on the boat and Marc and Henderson stayed in France to try and find the British embassy so that Marc could get one.
11.) On the boat, Paul and Rosie started to get attacked by the German planes. They jumped into the water with life jackets, and the boat sinks. In the mix of all the confusion, Paul and Rosie got separated in the water.
I don't know if these are my final ones because I don't know if they are meant to be very detailed or not. I noticed that some people have big captions and some have small captions.
Posted by
8:48 PM
comic creator
Hi, Mr.G it wont let me open my Toondoo comics so i cant view my charecters and do the homework for tommorow.
Posted by
5:57 PM
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
The Escape captions
1) Marc gets manure in his face so he takes a shower. Jae sees him in the shower. Marc gets a bit embarrassed because he is naked. Jae asks Marc why he is tacking a shower and Marc replies by telling her the story of getting the manure in his face. Jae starts laughing and Marc gets angry, he pretends to throw Jae into the slurry pit. After Jae is angry so she tries to slap him, she misses and falls into the slurry pit.
2) A German officer comes into Mr. Clark, Paul and Rosie’s apartment to get important documents from Mr. Clarke. Suddenly Jae pulls out a knife and stabs the officer.
3) While the orphanage is on fire because the German’s bombed it, Marc runs away to Paris. Before he goes, he goes into director Thomas’ room and takes money, a bike, a pigskin bag and food to survive.
4) While Paul, Rosie and Mr. Clarke are at the city square an air bombing comes down. They make it out ok. While they are running Rosie notices a big patch of blood on their fathers shirt. Rosie asks what it is Mr. Clarke replies shrapnel. A few minutes later Mr. Clarke falls down and whispers “find Mr. Henderson” before he dies.
5) Marc finds a house to stay in. After a few days in the house the Gestapo break in because that house belongs to Mr. Henderson who is a British spy that helped steal important documents from the Germans. While they are in the house they find Marc and torture him. When Marc tells them all that he knows the Gestapo think he is lying so they rip out his tooth. Finally the Herr Oberst knew he was telling the truth. A phone call suddenly comes through. Potente picks up pretending to be Henderson. It was Paul and Rosie, thinking that this was Henderson they tell him where they are and that they have the documents.
6) Paul and Rosie are walking and they see a boy named Hugo who they met earlier on when their dad died. He leads them to the church to stay in.
7) Henderson comes back to his house and finds Marc. He helps him get better then he takes him with him on his mission to go assassinate Mannstein so he can’t make the documents again.
8) Potente comes to the church as the fake Henderson. When he is inside they ask him a bunch of questions. One of the questions was did you and our father go on the Manchester P.F. and Potente replies yes. Mr. Clarke told his kids that he only went on one boat in his life with Mr. Henderson that boat was called the S.S. Cardiff. Yvette the sister of the church pulls out a shotgun and shoots three times. Hugo tries to run but the bullets also hit him. At the end Hugo and Potente die.
9) Henderson and Marc highjack a truck and they drive for a day to get to the church. When they get to the church they meat Paul and Rosie. After they talked for a while father Doran comes to tell them that there is beds for them to stay the night. The next day they leave to get to a boat that will take them to England.
10) The next day they get to the boat. They hurry up the stairs to enter. When the head of the boat asks for their passports. Paul and Rosie show their passports, but Marc doesn’t have one. The head of the boat said that there is a passport place that is a 2-minute walk to get to. Henderson decides to stay the night with Marc so the next morning they can get Marc a passport.
11) While the boat is going, the Germans suddenly bomb it. The boat sinks. Rosie holds onto Paul for her life. The current pulls Rosie and Paul apart. They go to different places, they don’t know where the other one is. Rosie meets a stranger who helps her get to shore.
Posted by
8:08 PM
Monday, March 23, 2009
Captions for Life of Pi
1. Pi goes overboard on a boat to Canada. Pi swims threw huge waves to the life boat. When Pi reaches the boat he finds a hyena, zebra, orangutan and a tiger named Richard Parker.
2. Pi finds his own side of the boat. He starts to observe the four animals. After a while Pi is extremely famished.
3. Suddenly the hyena attacks the zebra and kills him. The orangutan sees what happened to the zebra a tries to make a run for it. The hyena catches up and to the orangutan and beheads him.
4. All of the sudden the hyena starts to move toward Pi. As the hyena jumps to kill Pi the tiger grabs the hyena in mid air and murdered him. Pi is so thankful for what the tiger did. He starts to wonder that maybe the tiger likes him.
5. Pi then sneaks around the tiger to look for safety equipment. He finds this huge locker with everything you can imagine in a safety equipment locker. Pi uses some of the equipment to make a floating raft attached to the boat, so he can stay far away from the tiger.
6. Pi starts to live of the sea. He uses a fishing rod from the safety equipment. He catches fish and turtles. Most days Pi gets three meals a day.
7. Pi decides that he should let the tiger live because he does not want to get lonely. He starts to train the tiger by sacrificing some of his food for the tiger. He blows the whistle when Richard Parker is not behaving. When the tiger is behaving he gives his some of the fish that Pi catches.
8. Pi survived two hundred and twenty seven days on sea. He conquered things that most people can’t. Pi became stronger and more mature.
Posted by
5:16 PM
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Incredible Online Comic Creator
Check out this site for your Literature Circle comics:
Planning sheet due Thursday
Posted by
Adam Gelmon
11:16 AM
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Glossary Page for Avid
1. Enthusiastic; ardent; dedicated; keen.
2. Having an ardent desire or unbounded craving.
Posted by
2:15 PM
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Posted by
8:16 PM
Glossary Pae for Avid
Analogy: Avid is to eager as determined is to strong-willed
Posted by
6:54 PM
Discussion Director
Hey Mr. G sorry it's late but I worked hard and here it is...
1. Why do you think Henderson cared so much for Marc?
I think the reason Henderson cared so much for Marc is because he wanted a kid of his own. Marc is independent and a good kid. Henderson noticed this and helped Marc out when he had nowhere to go. At first I thought Henderson didn’t like marc and just wanted him to buzz off. Now I have realized that Henderson and marc have created a strong bond. If I were Marc I would feel very lost and confused. I ran away from my orphanage and I have nowhere to go. How would you feel if you were in that position? Then Henderson comes out of nowhere and lets marc come with him. This is very lucky for Marc. Henderson also said to marc that one day he would want a kid of his own but since he’s a spy it’s very hard for him. Marc and Henderson have been through a lot together and I hope that when they get through it, they will start a new life together.
2. Do you think Rosie will ever see Paul again?
I personally think that Rosie will see Paul again. It may be hard but Rosie is a smart girl and can find her way around places. On the contrary Rosie has been through a lot. I mean how would you feel if your dad just died, a good friend just died and you’re left on your own with nowhere to go? I know I wouldn’t know what to do. One time when I was really young I was skiing in whistler with my dad and then suddenly for a few minutes I couldn’t find him. I was very worried and I got this nervous feeling in my stomach. I know that Rosie’s situation is much worse but it’s the same idea and I can relate to Rosie.
3. How did you react when Hugo died?
I felt very surprised. It was heartbreaking to read that a silly mistake resulted in Hugo’s death. Since Rosie, Paul and Father Doran new that Herr Potente was coming to kidnap Rosie and Paul they were prepared to kill him in order to save themselves. Herr Potente was disguising himself as Henderson and Rosie and Paul knew this. Father Doran has his gun ready and they did manage to kill him. I was glad when they killed Potente because he was such a bad man and tortured Marc earlier on in the book. Although the consequence that came with killing Potente was the death of Hugo. When Hugo died no one could speak, everyone was too shocked. Who wouldn’t be? I feel really bad for Paul because he was just starting to get over the death of his father. Rosie being the older more mature one got over the death quicker. Paul on the other hand was shocked and it took him much longer to get over it.
4. What do you think would have been different if Paul, Rosie, Marc and Henderson all stayed together?
Firstly, I think Rosie and Paul would have felt much safer with Henderson and Marc by their side. Henderson is a very smart man who always has a plan up his sleeve and Marc is a good help. Henderson has proved that he can protect Marc very well and cares very much for kids. When Marc and Henderson left Paul and Rosie on the boat to England, that’s when everything changed. The boat was bombed by Germans and crashed. If Henderson and Marc were there I think that they would have had a better chance of staying together. Henderson has been in many challenging situations and he knows what he’s doing. If I were Paul or Rosie, I would have felt much more safe with and adult with me. Kids don’t have that much knowledge of what to do in those kinds of situations and Henderson, being an adult, does. I hope Marc and Henderson meet up with Paul and Rosie sooner or later to help them out.
Posted by
6:42 PM
hey mr. g is this apropper outline please reply by tonight
Posted by
6:00 PM
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
deadpanned glossary page
deadpanned is to poker-faced as careened is to fleet
Posted by
8:27 PM
Lit Circle for Jacob, Yoad, and Harry
Tomorrow is the final lit circle and bring your book
(Harry just reminding you to post one of the messages that i post. You might be sick but you still have to do it)
You must read to page 200.
D.D.: Yoad
L.L.: Jacob Ker
V.E.: Yoad
Checker: Jonah, Harry
Remember to get your parent to sign your schedule for meeting 4.
From Jonah
Posted by
4:16 PM
Monday, March 9, 2009
Lit Circle for Jacob, Yoad, and Harry
It is the purim carnival and I might not get a chance to talk to you. You must read to page 200.
D.D.: Yoad
L.L.: Jacob Ker
V.E.: Yoad
Checker: Jonah, Harry
Remember to get your parent to sign your schedule for meeting 4.
From Jonah
Posted by
8:22 PM
Discussion Director Questions
Mr. Gelmon I was not here to hand in my questions and answers today, so here they are:
Discussion Director Questions By Jonah 7B
1. Why does Pi think animals should live in a zoo?
Pi thinks animals should live in a zoo because he grew up in a zoo and sees how much good care the zoo animals get. He thinks it is better because there are no predators,
get three square meals a day while in the wild you might only get one meal a week and they get lots of health care.
2. How come Pi parents are so against him being three different religions?
They want him to be Hindu and only Hindu. He is born a Hindu and will stay Hindu. They do no think he should be Hindu, Christian and Islam.
3. Why were the Japanese men throwing Pi off the ship?
They wanted to use Pi as bate. If they fed him to Richard, then Richard would not eat them.
4. How do you think Pi feels about the zoo closing down forever?
He grew up in the zoo for his whole life and to lose the zoo it is like losing family. He is devastated. Pi has an amazing connection with the animals and that connection is broken.
5. Do you think Pi grew up in poverty?
I think Pi grew up in a middle class area but as he got older he got poorer so he ended up in poverty in the future.
Posted by
6:51 PM
Posted by
1:30 PM
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Friday, March 6, 2009
“Hey Jim!” Billy called.
“What’s going on Billy?” Jim responded.
“Not much. I got a really cool gift from my grandma though!” Said Billy.
“Cool! What did you get?” Jim asked.
“I got a big holy rock!”
“What kind of rock.”
“Pumice!” Billy responded.
Posted by
11:05 AM
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Bustle analogy
Bustle is to scurry as stagger is to lurch.
Danny 7A
Posted by
9:47 PM
Jubilantly Glossary
“Come on Jim we are going to be late!” exclaimed Joe.
“Hold on one second,” replied Jim.
“I want to see if I made it or not!” Joe said jubilantly.
“Ok lets go now,” answered Jim with a huff.
Posted by
8:51 PM
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Lit Circle
I might not be here at school tomorrow so here is my literary luminary and I will email it to you just in case:
Literary Luminary By Jonah
1. Page 98
Paragraph 2
I picked this passage because I can understand and connect in what Pi is saying on why animals are like humans. They have a lot of paper work and stuff when they have to move from zoo to zoo. It is just like a person moving to a new house or place. I have lived in 3 different homes so far in my lifetime. It takes so long to move because of all our stuff like furniture electronics and other things. You need to have the house inspected and fix up thing sometimes. Moving is not easy but sometimes you just have to do it.
2. Page 107
Paragraph 1
I picked this passage because it sounds like the very sad event of Titanic. When the boat is sinking in the book describes like how Titanic sunk. The boat size in Life Of Pi is just about smaller but it is still big because of all the animals it carries. The book says “Everything was screaming: the sea, the wind, my heart.” That must be the way the people on Titanic and Pi were thinking. I could never be as brave as Pi because knowing I might die and he was so relaxed
3. Page 100
Paragraph 1
I picked this passage because it is funny and I can connect because Pi is from India moving to Canada and he says “were Winnipeggers at heart”. I am like Pi because I lived in Richmond my whole life but most of activities are in Vancouver like school, sports and drums. I feel like a Vancouver at heart.
4. Page 110
Paragraph 3
I can connect to this paragraph because I have memories from six years ago where I went on a cruise and went to lots of places that I will remember. Pi was so thankful to be seeing all the places. Pi sees everything in observation like me.
Posted by
8:06 PM
Book Club Entry
Hi Mr Gelmon and my literature circle members,
I am sick with a horrible cold and a bad fever. I am planning on coming to school tomorrow. I cant say that for sure though since it all depends on how I am feeling tomorrow. He are my literary luminarys in-case i am not there.
Literary Luminary for “Awake and Dreaming”
By Aviva Glassman 7A
Passage #1: “But instead of being angry Sharon broke into sobs.”
Page: 161
Paragraph: 6
Why I chose this passage: This passage was one of the most saddening lines for me in the whole book so far. Theo expects every parent to hit, shout and slap when she had done something wrong. This upset very much since Theo should not have been living like this with Rae. I feel the way that Rae was treating Theo was despicable. While Theo was living with the Kaldors a similar event happened when the parents did not hit and slap her after Anna and Theo went biking for too long. Now that Theo has been exposed to much more safe and enjoyable life styles, I feel that Theo will never want to go back to live with Rae.
Passage #2: “How could you lie to me? I thought we were friends!”
Page: 161
Paragraph: 6
Why I chose this passage: This passage really set a mood in my mind. From the shyness of Theo and her un-enthusiastic attitude towards Sharon, I was surprised to know that Sharon really liked her and considered her as a friend. I feel that Theo should have taken this to heart a little more and showed Sharon that she truly did appreciate her love. If I put my self in Theo’s shoes, I would reciprocate much more and show her love for Sharon, just like Sharon is showing it for her.
Passage #3: “Had she lived with them? Of course she had! How else could she know them so well? But magic time seemed more and more distant as the afternoon went on.”
Page: 170
Paragraph: 2
Why I chose this passage: In my opinion, this passage was the Turning point of Theo’s excitement to seeing the Kaldors again. I am sure it was enough for Theo for the kaldors not only to recognize her, but they were not the family she lived with. They did not get along and bickered with each other constantly. Theo’s little heart must have been crushed at seeing that they were not as flawless as she thought they were.
Passage #4: Lisbeth leant against Theo as Anna opened the rest o her presents. “Sometimes I feel as if we’ve known you for a long time,” she whispered. You have thought Theo sadly. She could never tell them that now.
Page: 181
Paragraphs: 5-6
Why I chose this passage: I decided to choose this passage because I felt that Theo handled the situation very maturely. If I was in that situation, I would have blurted everything out and told them all about her life in there home that they seemed to not know about. I admire Theo for her always being cautious towards what she is saying. She filters her words and makes sure everything she says is appropriate, especially in this situation.
Posted by
5:25 PM
Monday, March 2, 2009
Hulking Glossary Page
King size
Incredibly big
Naturally giant
Galia Horwitz 7B
Posted by
6:47 PM
Glossary Page for Paraphernalia
Newspaper Headline
New high end store open in Beverly Hills: Paraphernalia for your pet
Posted by
8:21 AM
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Dictionary Entry for Spewing
Spewing: eject forcefully, or in large amounts; to vomit or otherwise cast out through the mouth
Posted by
11:47 PM
Comtempt Glossary Post
Posted by
8:43 PM
Comtempt Glossary Post
Posted by
8:43 PM
Saturday, February 28, 2009
literature circles
Hi Mr. Gelmon,
I just got out of the hospital and I had stuff doe to both of my arms and had surgery. I am not able to read. What should I do about literature circles ( me reading the book).
Posted by
2:44 PM
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Dictionary: Yoicks: used by foxhunters to urge on the hounds.
Posted by
9:23 AM
Synonyms: affronted, antagonized, bitter
Posted by
7:56 AM
Monday, February 23, 2009
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Glossary Entry for Thrumming
Word Tree:
Posted by
10:01 PM
Glossary Entry for Thrumming
Word Tree:
Posted by
10:01 PM
Penal colony is to prison as kookie is to biscuit.
Posted by
9:53 PM
Posted by
8:56 PM
Glossary Post
Analogy for petulant:
Posted by
8:27 PM
Boche Glossary Analogy
Boche is to German soldier in World War 1 as big is to large.
Posted by
4:21 PM
Glossary Page for Bleak
Bleak is to inviting as barren is to fertile.
Posted by
2:59 PM
Posted by
11:43 AM
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Glossary for Paraphernalia
Q: John took a lot of p_r_p________ on his trip. What goes in the blank?
A: paraphernalia
Posted by
3:34 PM
Thursday, February 19, 2009
- Book club glossaries (Mon)
- Parent signature on book club schedule (Fri)
- Short story contest entry ( March 12)
Posted by
8:48 AM
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Friday, February 13, 2009
Synonyms: changeable, variable, varying
Posted by
7:21 AM
Dictionary: Anatomy
The science dealing with the structure of animals and plants
Posted by
7:17 AM
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Homework 7A
-Hook and thesis statement for your persuasive essay (Fri)
Posted by
Adam Gelmon
6:41 PM
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
synonyms: fix up, modernize,remodel
antonyms: destroy, ruin
Posted by
6:23 PM
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Strathcona Raffle Tickets
I just wanted to remind you that our raffle tickets are due on Friday! If you still have tickets to sell you can try selling them at the from of the school or you could ask if your parents want to sell them at work!
Remember these tickets help all of us go to Strathcona!
Posted by
4:47 PM
Homework 7B only
Create an outline for your practice persuasive essay on the Haunted House debate or the effects of video game violence on young people. You may use the information I gave you and you can also use other sources. Remember to follow the outline I gave you. You can also use this essay map to guide you: http://www.readwritethink.org/materials/persuasion_map/
(Due tomorrow)
Posted by
Adam Gelmon
11:33 AM
Monday, February 9, 2009
-Parent Letter (Humanities Update) signed (Tues)
-Bring your Lit Circle Books to class tomorrow. Our first official day will be Wednesday.
Posted by
Adam Gelmon
3:46 PM
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
-No glossary entries due this week as you are working on you "Vocabulary Enrichers"
-Vocab Enrichers and Literary Luminary work will be due Thursday and you will have 30 minutes to work on them in class tomorrow. If you need help, please post your questions or check in with me in class.
Posted by
Adam Gelmon
6:30 PM
Sunday, February 1, 2009
Discussion Director Questions
Discussion Director Questions
1. Why do you think Bellaʼs behaviour has been going on for so long?
I feel that ever since Bella had met Edward, her life was nothing without him. She only usually spent a few minutes a day without him. It is very self explanatory to miss someone so much, especially someone who devotes all their time to you. Although, months have past Bella is still preoccupied with the fact that Edward is gone, since usually he was her entire life before he left.
2. If you were in Bellaʼs situation, would you act the same or differently? Explain?
Personally, I would have been cooperating about it five moths later. Of course I would still miss him, but an event that happened five months ago, should be passed by and still thought about only occasionally. Promoting so much sorrow to everyone around you is not always a good Idea and can cause more problems.
3. Why hasnʼt Charlie done anything about Bellaʼs attitude?
From the experiences I have had in reading the Twilight series, Charlie has always been the laid back kind of guy. He has a growing teenage daughter and is not quite sure how to control her big emotions. He knew Bellaʼs love for Edward was great, but never thought it would cause this much grief. I feel that deep inside, Charlie wants to put a stop to her attitude, but is not sure how. By reading in between the lines of the book, I have seen that Charlie feels for his daughter and truly wants to help.
4. Why hasnʼt Bella and Edward kept in touch?
Edward had always looked out for Bellaʼs feelings. I am sure He is still thinking about her, just as much as she is thinking of him. My guess for them not keeping in touch would be that Edward does not want to upset Bella even more than she is. By looking at this book on a deeper level, I think that Edward is aware of how Bella is feeling and may want to come back.
5. Do you think Edward will come back for Bella?
In my opinion, the answer would be yes. Edward and Bellaʼs love was two great to just end so abruptly and be over. Besides, how would the rest of the Twilight series continue without both Bella and Edward? Just knowing that there are two more books in the Twilight series, after, gives it away completely.
Posted by
5:33 PM
Glossary post for quiescent
Thesaurus entry for quiescent
Posted by
1:08 PM
Friday, January 30, 2009
dictionary entry for : peruse
Posted by
7:19 AM
dictionary entry for : peruse
Posted by
7:19 AM
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Dictionary: Beautiful in a dramatic and eye-catching way.
Posted by
10:23 PM
Indubitable Analogy
Indubitable is to unquestionable as humongous is to giant.
Posted by
9:24 PM
Slacken entrie
Slacken is to weaken as placard is to sign
Posted by
9:17 PM