The last book I read was "Class A". This book had a effective conclusion. Cause he killed some one and in this campus he belonged to called cherub. You were not a loud to kill people.
Monday, February 8, 2010
zenen's ineffective conclusion
The last book i read was called mad dogs, i thought that this lead was ineffective because that it answered too many of the questions and was too specific witch gave me no room for imagination.
Posted by
9:20 PM
Dani's Efective Conclusion
The last novel I read was "Jatta" by Jenny Hale. The conclusion was an effective one because it was interesting and made sense. By that I mean, it did not just suddenly drop off and the book ended; it was following a path towards the end throughout the chapters. At the end of the book I wanted to know if there was another book by the author or in the series. Another thing that the conclusion had was growth of the character in her emotions, her ability, and herself. These and other aspects are what makes a good conclusion to me.
Posted by
9:04 PM
Labels: Effective/Ineffective Conclusion
Last book I read
My book was: Dragon ball Z (comic). even though I still know what happens at the end the book still left me in suspense.
Posted by
9:00 PM
Labels: The last book I read was....
Eleane's Effective/Ineffective Conclusion.
The last book that I read, "The Series of Unfortunate Events #13" had an effective conclusion because it left a suspense that needed to be there. The conclusion also left a good moral.
Posted by
8:26 PM
Yaakov's Effective Conclusions
Posted by
8:16 PM
Labels: Effective/Ineffective Conclusion
Effective Conclusion
The last book I read was "Freak the Mighty" by Rodman Philbrick. The conclusion was effective because it was really touching and you could really feel Max's pain. It also shows growth in the characters, for example Max used to think he had no brain, now he's a lot more confident in himself and believes he can go on without Freak. At the end of the book, Max says he will write a book of all the adventures of Freak the Mighty, and that is the book that the reader just read. He also says "Now that I wrote a book, maybe I will read a few."I think that shows a lot of growth in the character and also, it shows that he learnt how to speak up and really try. It was a really good time to end the book, and it really lead me to the exit.
Posted by
8:08 PM
Labels: Effective/Ineffective Conclusion
Effective/Ineffective Conclusion
The last book I read was Eclipse. The conclusion was effective because it left you hanging but not really it was gliding you to the exit softly and sweetly. But you still have questions like “How will Charlie and Renee act when Bella tells them?” or “What’s going to happen to Bella and Jacob relationship?” the conclusion was really good and glided you to the next book well.
- Shayla
Posted by
7:52 PM
Labels: Effective/Ineffective Conclusion
Effective/ Ineffective Conclusions
The last novel I read was Brisingr. I thought that the conclusion was very effective because it ties all the events of the whole series together very nicely. I really like it when authors leave you hanging and thinking What's going to happen next? and then everything is explained in the next book. I know from talking with friends, that many people DO NOT like it when the author leaves you hanging, because they just want to figure out [for example] "Who killed that man?" and they just want to find out in that book. It was also a good conclusion because it really gave the characters perspective of the situation (which I like).
Posted by
7:44 PM
Wanting Mor Gabi
Posted by
7:33 PM
Labels: good endings
The last book that I read had an effective conclusion. The name of the book was "Miss Popularity" by Francesco Sedita. The girl in the book was popular at her old school and when she went to her new one it was hard for her to make friends. She did this by organizing a huge fashion show to raise money for a charity. She hoped it would also help her make friends.
I thought the conclusion was effective because it made sense. It was interesting and tied it all together with a happy ending. It also showed growth when the people who were mean to her were very nice at the end.
Posted by
7:30 PM
Labels: Ineffective/Effective Conclusion
Effective/Ineffective Conclusions By Noga
The last book I read was "The actual total truth, by Karen Rivers" it was a good conclution because everything in the book just went into the past.Then theres a new begining. Also a good conclution is when thers a big question that makes the reader want to read more. For example: "I tried my best right?" or "Will he survive?".
Posted by
7:05 PM
Effective/Ineffective Conclusions By Josha
The last novel I read was Starclimber. The conclusion was very effective because it left me with some questions but I felt they were better left unanswered. I felt like it had been a very fulfilling book when I finished it.
Posted by
7:01 PM
Labels: Effective/Ineffective Conclusion
Effective/Ineffective Conclusions
The last novel I read was "The King in the Window-by Adam Gopnik" the conclusion was effective because after such an extraordinary story the conclusion tied everything well together. The story was so intriguing and captivating that you wished it would end clearly, answering some the questions that you must have asked yourself while reading and explain the slightly confusing parts. But of course it doesn't give away too much, or else your imagination couldn't possibly take over.
Posted by
6:22 PM
Labels: Effective/Ineffective Conclusion
Effective/Ineffective Conclusion by Leor
The last novel I read was We All Fall Down. The conclusion was effective because it leaves you with questions that you feel are better unanswered like "what will happen to Will?" and "What happens to the firemen?". I also felt like it was worthwhile reading it and it made sense. It was also very interesting and ties everything together so it can lead the reader to the exit, when Will finds his dad and Ting and then goes to the hospital to take care of his wounds. It gave just enough away so that it will leave the reader wanting more because when Will finds his father and they leave the building together with Ting and go to the hospital you want to know what will happen to the fireman and policeman who have just entered the building.
Posted by
6:02 PM
Labels: Effective/Ineffective Conclusion
Liam's effective conclusions
The last novel I read was Found. The conclusion was effective because it left me personally wanting more, and when I finished the book it made me think.
Posted by
5:46 PM
Thought's on an Effective Conclusion
The last novel I read was The Forest of Hands and Teeth by Carrie Ryan.
The conclusion was kind of effective and kind of ineffective. The reason it was ineffective was because it left me with the feeling of “But it’s not finished, what’s going to happen next?” The reason it was effective was because even though I felt that way, I still felt like there wasn’t really anything else the author could have written. It left me with an unfinished feeling that didn’t need finishing!
Posted by
5:46 PM
Labels: Effective/Ineffective Conclusion
Book Talk
Short Description: When Martine goes to live with her grandma Gwen Thomas on a game reserve outside of Cape Town South Africa she has no idea what to expect.
Martine’s parents died in a fire on her birthday. When Martine gets to Cape Town, Tendai her grandma’s helper, takes her to Grace’s house. There she learns about the prophecy. The prophecy says that the forefathers have predicted that she has the power to save the white giraffe; all the hunters in Cape Town only dream of catching. One lonely night Martine sees a young giraffe, silver tinged with cinnamon in the moonlight. Only when hunters start hunting and Alex the mysterious game keeper starts acting odd, she knows that she has to save Jemmy. Her skills, wit, and bravery are put to the test when something happens to Jemmy.
Back of the Book
Recommendation: I’d recommend this book to kids who are 11-12 and grade 6 and 7 reading level. Its genres are adventure, fiction, and mystery. You should read this book if you like animals and reading about friendship.
This book is available in the classroom library, the public library, Kidsbooks, and other bookstores.
Posted by
5:34 PM
Labels: Book Talk
The last novel that I read was keeping the moon by sarah dessen.
The conclusion was effective because it left me with just enough information but didn't leave me hanging. The conclusion wasn't rushed, the ending was perfect because it really tied together and made tons of sense and wasn't confusing. The conclusion left me with one or two questions like what happens when she comes back to her mom? but those are the kind of questions you want to have for you to keep on wondering.
Posted by
5:23 PM
Labels: Effective/Ineffective Conclusion
The Last Book I read.
On of the most recent books I read was "The White Giraffe" By Lauren St. John. It's conclusion was effective because it sums up the book. It also tells why Martine gioot the prophecy and that it would do her good anad bad in future situations. It was worth while, intersting, and left me with questions that would be better unanswered.
-By Barbie
Posted by
5:21 PM
Labels: Effective/Ineffective Conclusion
Effective/Ineffective Conclusion by Izzy
The last novel I read is Audrey Wait. The conclusion was effective because it tied everything together, left me wanting more, stuck in my head, and left me imagining the whole story as if it was movie. The only thing I didn't like about the conclusion is that it was a little predictable.
Posted by
5:20 PM
Labels: Effective/Ineffective Conclusion
The General
The last novel I read was "The General." The conclusion was just okay because it bored me and was all dialogue between two people. On the other side it was a really good time to end the story.
Posted by
Shane R-D
5:17 PM
Labels: Effective/Ineffective Conclusion
effective/ineffective conclusions
The last novel I read was schooled. The conclusion was ineffective because it left me hanging and it was confusing. But it was also effective because it left you in suspense and you want to know how Capricorn Anderson lives the rest of his life.
Posted by
5:08 PM
The last book I read was...
The last book I read was "The Lemonade War" It was effective because it told me just enough. It didn't run on. It left me asking a few questions but I think that made it better. It definitely lead me the exit.
Posted by
5:05 PM
Labels: The last book I read was....
Effective conclusion
The last novel I read was called “So B. It,” by Sarah Weeks. It was an effective conclusion because it led me to the exit. All the clues were finally coming together for Heidi she could now live her life knowing the past and present, but then her mom died. Although that is sad, it left me with questions, ideas and mental pictures in my head telling me what’s going to happen next! On the other hand Heidi finally gets to live a some-what ‘normal’ life knowing about her past witch made me happy, and that really tied the story together. This narrative was coming to an end, but starting a new beginning.
Posted by
5:00 PM
Labels: Effective/Ineffective Conclusion
The conclusion to the book I read, Canterwood Crest: Little White Lies was effective because it showed how the main character became smarter about her decisions. It made sense because I could really see it happening. It left me with questions, and it made me want to read the next book in that series.
Posted by
4:55 PM
Labels: Effective/Ineffective Conclusion
Adi's Explanation About an Effective Conclusion
The last book I read was Elsewhere by: Gabrielle Zevin.
This book had an effective conclusion because it was happy, sad, predictable, worth while, gave just enough away, thoughtful, made sense, and leaves you with a question.
It was all this stuff together which made an excellent ending.
It gave just enough information, if it would have given a little bit more information, this story would lead to another story.
Posted by
4:50 PM
Labels: Effective/Ineffective Conclusion
The last book I read was CHERUB: Maximum Security. It had an effective conclusion because after the end of the actual story, it tells you what happens to the characters that were only in that book in a little log. It doesn't say what happens with the characters that will be in the next book so you think about it.
Posted by
4:39 PM
Labels: Effective/Ineffective Conclusion
Book Talk!
So B. It
Title: So B. It
Author: Sarah Weeks
Short description: Heidi doesn’t know anything about her past, in fact, the only thing she knows about the present, is that Bernie (the lady who lives in the apartment beside her) is taking care of her, and the fact that her mentally disabled mother can only speak 23 words. There is one special word in her mother’s vocabulary, “Soof.” Heidi can’t stop thinking about “Soof”. The only thing that she can do to find out the truth about her past and that word is by going on a cross-country journey. The one problem that she has is that Bernie has to take care of mama. That means 12- year old Heidi is going alone...
Recommend: I’d recommend this book to people who enjoy realistic fiction and adventure. This book is great for girls and boys. The reading level is not to difficult and the book is not to long. If you do not like adventure or realistic fiction i don’t think this is the book for you.
Where can you find this book?
So B. It can be found at chapters indigo and kids books.
Posted by
4:29 PM
Labels: Book Talk
Leor's Booktalk on "We All Fall Down"
Author: Eric Walters
Short Description: Imagine living through a historical event that still affects our world today. On
Recommendation: I recommend this book to both boys and girls at the age of 10+ who enjoy reading historical fiction and adventure. This book is only 195 pages long but expresses a very important event in history in a very meaningful and interesting way. This book is available at our classroom library, public library and is also found at Chapters and Indigo bookstores.
Posted by
4:28 PM
Labels: Book Talk
Dolphin Song Effective Conclusion
The last novel I read was “Dolphin Song” by Lauren St. John. The conclusion was effective because it lead me to the exit. Ben was trying to contact his father with a walkie talkie the guard dropped. When the guard took it back, Martine and Ben thought there was no hope getting home. At the end Ben’s father actually did receive the call but the response back didn’t work! the conclusion also taught me a lesson to never give up!
Posted by
3:50 PM
Labels: Effective/Ineffective Conclusion
1. Post: "The last novel I read was_____________. The conclusion was effective/ineffective because..." (Tues)
Posted by
Adam Gelmon
1:38 PM
Labels: Homework