You will not believe what I, the cookie monster had for my gratifying thanks giving dinner party. It wasn’t the typical turkey or ham or even a huge chocolate chip cookie! Instead we had a juicy, yellow, feathered, big, bird. Yum. I was in the mood for Oscar the grouch, but I must say big bird was D-E-L-I-S-H.
I really want to take you guys back in time so you could really feel all the action raising, but I can’t so I guess I will have to settle with telling you the story…
“Ring, ring, ring.” My annoying phone rang. I wish I could change it to “C is for cookie that’s good enough for me!” but I don’t know how!! If anyone knows, please tell me!!!... Anyways that was Bert and Ernie calling.
“Cookie monster! Cookie monster! There is no turkey, ham or chicken. Nothing. All the meat is gone. What are we supposed to eat for thanksgiving?” answered Bert and Ernie
“Guys calm down as long as we have my chocolate chip cookie we will be fine.” I replied.
“But cookie monster that won’t be enough food for everyone, and besides you know how Oscar the grouch gets when he has to eat cookies!”
“Ok, fine, but only for you guys is why I won’t have cookies for the main course”
“Thank you cookie monster! But, still what should we have for dinner?”
“Guys, let me think…umm…ok, give me a few minutes.”
At the point I couldn’t think of anything!! It felt like I just burnt my extra junky chocolate chip cookie. Now I was about to let down Oscar, Count, Elmo, Ernie, Bert and big bird!!! Oh no. What was I supposed to do?
Finally the plan came to me that would change everything!
“Bert, Ernie, guys? Are you there?”
“Yes cookie monster we are hear. So what is your plan?” answered Bert and Ernie.
“Well, since there is absolutely no meat in sesame-street, I guess we will have to choose an alternative. My idea is to pick the person in our ‘gang’ that you think is the most obnoxious to be around. Who ever you chose will be the one that is cooked for dinner!”
“I say Oscar the grouch,” Said Ernie.
“Obviously Big Bird,” Replied Bert.
“Ok, now all we have to do is narrow it down,” I answered.
“Cookie monster, give us a minute to decide…umm ok… we say…big bird!”
We decided on big bird. Oscar the grouch is way to grumpy to eat at thanks giving. We needed a happy, exciting person, like big bird! And he’s nice, sapid and big! So everyone could have seconds!
“Cookie monster, you made a wondrous thanks giving dinner. We all enjoyed it.”
“Thank you Elmo, count, Ernie, Bert and Oscar. Now I’m going to go enjoy my giant cookie. C is for cookie, that’s good enough for me!!”
“R.I.P big bird”
-The sesame street.
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