Protagonist is to hero as antagonist is to contender
[proh-tag-uh-nist]–noun1. | the leading character, hero, or heroine of a drama or other literary work. |
1665–75; <>prōtagōnist
s actor who plays the first part, lit., first combatant, equiv. to prôt(os) first + agōnist
s one who contends for a prize, combatant, actor. See PROTO-, ANTAGONIST _____________________________________________________
Main Entry: | protagonist |
Part of Speech: | noun |
Definition: | person who takes the lead; central figure of narrative |
Synonyms: | central character, hero, idol, lead character, leader, mainstay, prime mover, principal, standard-bearer, warrior |
| opponent |
Antonyms: | antagonist
Q.In comics who always comes and saves the day? A. The protagonist |
Entry: | antagonist |
Part of Speech: | noun |
Definition: | person causing problem |
Synonyms: | angries, bad person, bandit, contender, crip, enemy,opponent, opposer, opposite number, oppugnant, rival |
Antonyms: | ally, protagonist, supporter ______________________________________________
an⋅tag⋅o⋅nist [an-tag-uh-nist] person causing problem
Origin: 1590–1600; <>antagōnista <>antagōnists. See ANTAGONIZE, -IST
Protagonist is to hero as antagonist is to contender
"Yo Joe" "Hey Billy Bob" "Joe why do the antagonist always lose in the comics?" "Why I don't know, but i think it's because they are fantasies." "Oh Joe thank bro."
| the final resolution of the intricacies of a plot, as of a drama or novel.
Origin: 1745–55; <>dénouer to untie, OF desnoer(des- de- + noer to knot <>nōdāre, deriv. of nōdus knot) + -ment -ment _______________________________________________________ De(the) end of a novel or ur (your) entire brain might even not say that ______________________________________________________
Entry: | denouement | Part of Speech: | noun | Definition: | the end result | Synonyms:
| close,completion, conclusion ,climation, final curtain, finale, last act,resolution, windup _____________________________________________ |
Climax is to Peak as denouement is to end
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