Friday, October 12, 2007

if you want to post something send it to

p.s i love the web site and all the poems


New Audio Stories!

Hi gang,

I've added some audio stories to our site (check the top right-hand side). Some good stories here, including fairy-tales that can help you with your own stories next week. Other stories may be good for your younger siblings. Let me know what you think.

Have a great weekend!

-Mr. G.

Posting Info

If you want me to post something email it to me at

Web Masters

Thank you to all the Webmasters for volunteering
to help make our website be as cool as can be!!!

From Jonah

Home Work For 6A

  1. prejudices, stereotypes and consequences. (mon)
  2. poetry response. (Tues)

Jonah's Reading Resposes

Reading Response

When you told the class the background it helped me a little because I didn’t really understand it. When I saw the last sentence on its on line it made me think why would it have its on line? I thought about it and to me it is by itself because she was a big fan of the poet and when he got convicted maybe a part of her is gone. I think she used the lone ranger because she feels alone. The title (footsteps to follow) I don’t understand but maybe if I keep reading it, it will come to me.

By Jonah 6A

Reading Response

I thought this poem spoke to me in a way that he doesn’t like his job but if he quits the city would fall apart. I like the weird language the author used because I never saw this before and it hooked me. It also made me laugh a lot. Jim Hall was very descriptive when Spiderman’s feelings such as “I tink I twy sometin excitinlike wacing cawrs sometin to make my heart beat at a difwent wate.” I think this was also based on a Spiderman issue he read.

Reading Response

This poem means to me that it’s his environment, his home. If he wants it to be messy it will be messy. Since it says blaring music I could see he likes rock. So I can see it is very descriptive. It seems that he likes his room a lot. When Mr. Gelmon told us about Stanza I thought is was a good way to organize a poem. It was a very clever way to use my room at the beginning of each sentence. I think the meaning of this is that you need to be responsible .

Reading Response

The title was very appealing to me because for kids that like the Sims, it would probably hook them. By reading the poem, I can see that he used a lot of stanzas, & line breaks.

He used a persona poem, like the one that I wrote. My favorite part is “to have a baby click yes or no.” By reading this poem it shows me that the Sims is the exact opposite from real life. The things it said about the Sims game are true. I think this was my favorite poem I have ever read. I am just so interested in it. I probably never liked poetry that much until now because you can write anything and your feelings about it. To me the most important words in the poem are “in some ways it’s life; real in some ways, yes, in some ways no. Also the part about Free Will really caught my attention.” Those lines show what the whole poem is about.

Reading Response

By looking at the title I could predict that it was going to be a sad poem. Before reading the poet’s name I thought it would be written by a male because man’s best friend is a dog. It is a sensory poem because when you read the poem it touches your heart. The dog was a loyal friend to the boy and watched him grow. It reminded me about when I had to give my puppy to my Zaida and how I felt. It is an elegy because the poem shows how the poet feels about the dog’s death. The poet uses very descriptive language,

for example: “Blurred by tears, pink tongue and icy wind.” It gives me a picture in my head as I read the poem. I prefer humorous poems to read but I like this poem as well.


If you want to post something E-mail Bram at


If you have a poem to post please send it to me at


Wow everyones poems are amazing!!!!!! Be sure to keep them coming!!!

Keep on posting

All your Poems and Reviews are amazing keep up the good work.

Homework for grade 6B

Here is some more homework!
Tikkun Olam: Journal entry: prejudices/stereotypes and consequences.


Vancouver Readers and Writers Festival

Hana's Suitcase-October 16th