Wednesday, December 10, 2008


Iliad- one of the poems with the odyssey/ story of the Trojan War

Mycenaean’s-cultural period/ lived in Hellas/built big forts/ war/artsy people

Knossos/Crete-archaeological site, where Linear B and A were found

Troy- City of the Trojan War/ got destroyed

Frescoe-panting on a wall/wall painting

Archaeology- study of evidence of ancient people

Minoans- lived in Crete/traders/no war very peaceful/woman involved

Isthmus-narrow strip of land joining to big pieces of land

Minotaur- Half man half bull/ got killed by Thesues

Democracy- people choice government

Dorian’s-Had a war that lasted over 300 years/major Greek tribe/ mentioned in the Odyssey

Linear B- Found in Knossos/ brothers with Linear A/Mycenaean’s alphabet/ discovered by Michael Ventris

Sparta- City/major military region/ all free males were soldiers

Xerxes- King of Persia/ Greek form of the old throne name meaning ruler of heroes

Oligarchy/monarchy- When the leaders are made from a small group/leader is one person who makes rules

Schliemann-German archaeologist/ He spoke of old Greek places/ took some of his info fro the Iliad

Menelaus- Wife Helen/ was in the Trojan War/ furious at Paris/ King of Greece

Anthropology- Scientific study of the origins of humans

Climate/ weather- The common weather pattern in one place for a long time/ (snow/wind/rain/fog/sun)

Thermopylae- Battle between Greek Cities and Persian empire/ in central Greece

Peninsula- piece of land surrounded on three sides by water

Dark Ages- Time period before the Dorian War

Paris- Prince of troy, had an affair with Helen (Menelaus’ wife)

Pheidippides- Hero of Ancient Greece/ Hero of the sporting event, the Marathon

Homer- wrote the story of the Oddysey/ Iliad(story of the Trojan War)/ one of the storytellers

Achashverosh-Is basically known to be a XERXES/ King of Persia

Atlantis- Mythical sunken city/ legendary island/ after failing to conquer Athens it sunk