Sunday, November 30, 2008

Linear B

Linear B
A Historical Poem
Bayle James

A writing system there used to be
By the name of Linear B
It was used by people from yesterday
It was written on tablets made of clay

No one knew what it meant
The archeologists didn’t make a dent
The coded words were not cracked
The symbols all seemed so abstract

They needed someone to break the code
No one knew how it flowed
They looked around Knossos for a clue
But no one could figure out what to do

Minoan was the language they thought it would be
The clay tablets did not give away its history
Everyone was stuck on this one thought
And they were all becoming very distraught

Along came a boy who knew what to do
He studied at home and found a clue
He loved to learn languages all the time
Solving this puzzle made him feel sublime

He knew Greek, French and Swiss
This to him made him reminisce
‘These letters look Greek.’ Said the boy
He was right and full of joy

The tablets were translated into English from Greek
He had to explain his amazing technique
He got published, this boy was a star
He would walk around while smoking a cigar

Michael Ventris solved Linear B
All the archeologists were so full of glee
The 4360 tablets were found and translated
In English they were created

The Dorians

The Dorians lived in villages in the mountains of northern Greece. They shared a place called Hellas with the Mycenaeans for 500 years. The Mycenaeans were allot stronger than the Dorians. Their cities were well protected and they had no interest in the poor Dorians. The Dorians were the weaker ones and couldn't win battles.

This all started to change when they discovered iron. In 1200 B.C. they started making weapons out of it, like the iron slashing sword. The iron was allot better then bronze. It was lighter and sharper and could even go right through a bronze armor. This was the begining of the Dorians becoming strong.

They weren't the only ones who started to use iron. Lots of the world was using it too, except for the Mycenaeans. One ingredient you needed to make the iron could not be found in the south were the Mycenaeans lived. They did have lots of bronze, but it wasn't as strong as iron. Since the Dorians had stronger weapons, they were able to defeat people that they couldn't defeat before.

They had conquered most of Hellas by the time 1150 B.C. They burned cities and scared people away. They fled until there was no one left. They destroyed the Mycenaeans civilization and started to rule Hellas.

The Minoan Civilization

The Minoan Civilization

The Minoan Civilization existed from 3000 to 1400 B.C. It was established on the island of Crete. The Minoans were remarkable people with many special skills which included pottery, weaving, art, building and engineering.

A very common way that people have learned about the Minoans ways of life are from frescoes. Frescoes are wallpapers that show the Minoan way of life. Through these frescoes people have found many interesting facts about Minoans and how they lived.

Through frescoes we have discovered the many activities that the Minoans participated in and enjoyed. These activities included gymnastics, wrestling and boxing. They even played an ancient version of backgammon. Woman played important roles in all of this. The Minoans were civilization traders. They were the earliest people to trade throughout the Mediterranean. Woman took part in religious ceremonies, sporting events and even working jobs.

Frescoes have also taught us that the Minoans also made a living through farming. They grew grain crops, olives and grapes. They also raised a variety of animals including herds of sheep, goats and pigs. Plow carts were pulled by oxen.

It is said that much of the religion of the later Greeks may have started with the Minoans. The Minoans had a very different way to worship their gods. They thought of god as mother earth. Instead of a temple or a church, the Minoans had small shrines to worship their goddess in. Worshipers would bring gitfs to the shrine. They would often bring food or wine. Sometimes they would even bring their most valuable Jewelry or artwork.

The great Minoan civilization lasted about 1600 years. It ended dramatically with a volcano eruption. This explosion was the largest in human history. The Minoans civilization never recovered from this disaster. Once Knossos, the largest gathering sight on Crete was rebuilt after the volcano, invaders from the mainland called Mycenaean’s had conquered Crete.


Friday, November 28, 2008

Picture for Roo

The Mystery of Linear B By Danny Greenberg

In the late 19th and 20th centuries, an archeologist named Sir Arthur Evans found strange tablets while digging in the ruins of Knossos. The tablets were made out of clay, and there were clearly two different styles of writing on some of them. Because of their discovery they separated them in to two categories: Linear A and Linear B. Evans devoted his whole career to discovering these tablets, and because of what he found, he created the concept of Minoan civilization.

Although Evans found these remarkable tablets, nobody could understand them. Many archeologists tried to decipher the writing on them, but none of them succeeded. Then in 1936 a boy named Michael Ventris was listening to a lecture on the Minoans. He was very fascinated by them, but as he was leaving the lecture, the only thing on his mind was, “what exactly did the Minoans write on the tablets?” After the lecture he promised that one day he would solve the mystery and crack the code of the tablets.

Sure enough, after World War II, Ventris became an architect and a detective. Michael Ventris and a man named John Chadwick started to study the mysterious tablets. They noticed that the writing on the tablets looked a lot like Greek. They started to translate the symbols, and it worked. They were able to translate more and more of the different words, until they had a full tablet deciphered. Together, Michael Ventris and John Chadwick had uncovered the mystery of Linear B in 1952. Michael Ventris had fulfilled his promise that he made in 1936.

Scientists all around the world were amazed by this discovery. Eventually all of the Linear B tablets were translated. They ended up listing information on names, numbers of soldiers, taxes, lists of gods and they even mentioned information on cows. Although all of the Linear B tablets were discovered, Linear A tablets are still a huge mystery. There have been many theories of decipherment for them, but none of them have fully worked. The work that Ventris and Chadwick did has hugely helped to improve our knowledge on Ancient Greece.

Danny Greenberg 7A

These are some of the symbols on Linear B tablets.

Paprika analogy

Paprika is to spice as sugar is to sweet

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Dictionary Entry

Albeit: Even though ; although

Word Tree "Euphoric"


euphoria (noun) a feeling of great happiness or well-being

Dictionary Entry: Aggravation

Negative quality or aspect


"fad" glossary entry

New cars arrived in America Yesterday and they are everyone's new Fad

Jujube Acrostic

J ust me

U underlooking everthing
J ujubes
U under a tree
B eside me
E xit through the remedy

Cadense Glossary Post

He swam with wonderful cadence.

Frugal Glossary Page


Fear of spending

Roubles and dollars

Unwilling to go into debt

Garage sales are

A familiar adventure

Leaves the planet healthier


Dictionary: noun-a person who works with elephants.

Greek Test

Hey All,

Does anybody know when the Greek test is?
Thanks a lot!

Glossary entries

Acrostic for Hasten
To go fast
Extra fast
Not slow


Headline for Predator
" owls are becoming extinct from their predator"



Dictionary: any of genus of chiefly African plants related to the irises and having erect sword shapes.


Dictonary: Subjection of an individal to pieriod testing and trial.

Glossary post

Due tomorrow

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Glossary Page for dilignet

Headline: Most diligent and intelligent student who ever walked the planet got bumped up from first grade to twelfth grade!


Analogy for Thistle

Thistle is to garden as book is to shelf

Jacobs vs the Minotaur!

Harry slays the Minotaur

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Thesaurus entry for diligent

synonyms: active, attentive, busy
antonyms: lazy, inactive, languid

Thesaurus Entry For Fiasco

Synonyms: catastrophe, breakdown, disaster
Antonyms: success, advantage, benefit

Monday, November 24, 2008


Henry: Al, your liripoop is on the wrong side
Al: Well, I had better fix my tassel. I would not want to graduate with my liripoop on the wrong side.
Henry: Yeah, they might not give you your diploma.


Jejune glossary



Jejune is to immature as angry is to furious.


-"Expert" group presentations are next Monday.
-Multi-genre glossary (Fri)

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Diffident Analogy

Diffident is to outgoing as right is to wrong.

-Bram 7A

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Glossary Posts for Ninny and Fiasco


“Hi Chuck, how did your date go?” asked Bill.

“It was a fiasco!” exclaimed Chuck.

“Oh, what happened?”

“I spilled wine all over her dress.  Then when I went to help here clean it, we both bent down at the same time and I hit my head on her nose and broke her nose!” Chuck said in an embarrassed tone.

“That sucks,” said Bob trying not to laugh.

“Yes it does.” 


How many ninnies does it take to screw in a light bulb?

One hundred, one to hold the bulb and ninety-nine to turn the house.

Friday, November 21, 2008

Adam and Eli slay the Minotaur!



Knell is to death as racing is to going fast




Knell is to death as racing is to going fast




Q: If I say "I have a luxurious house" what other word can I use for luxurious?

A: Lucullan

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Pharmaceutical Headline

"New Pharmaceutical Comes Out this Week"

Bram 7A

Analogy to Cleanse

Here is my analogy to cleanse...

Cleanse is to clean face as blow dry is to dry hair


Picture for aspartame

Not to great since had to draw with my pad thing on a mac


tang is to strong taste as scent is to smell

Analogy "velodrome"

Velodrome is to biking as ice rink is to hockey

Squabble glossary page
squabble is to fight as morose is to gloomy

Amatory entry


Amatory is to hateful as smile is to frown.


Thesaurus Entry for exasperating






Thesaurus Entry for exasperating






Foolish is to crazy as happy is to delight.

By Jonah



Foolish is to crazy as happy is to delight.



Foolish is to crazy as happy is to delight.


word tree for SMOG

smoke + fog = smog


word tree for SMOG

smoke + fog = smog

Bicrural Glossary page

Headline: A non-bicrural human entered the concert last night!

Bicrural Glossary page

Headline: A non-bicrural human entered the concert last night!



Adjective-dazed and unsteady


Dictionary: adjective dazed and unsteady

Adam S.

Thesaurus Entry for Exasperating





Headline: " A fluttering puck, on a clearing attempt by Rian Kesler, leaves the Canucks hopeless for the Stanley Cup!"


Sacrilege: Who Steals Sacred things.
Eitology: The causes of a Disease or Abnormal Condition.


Headline: Robertson elected mayor, east side is euphoric


Headline: "Septed peformed in GM Place"

Sharon Ardon 7B

Agelast Analogy:

Agelast is to mirthless as morose is to sad.

Acrostic for Foolish

Fred is absurd
Olivia is brainless
Oz is idiotic
Landon is half-witted
Ivor is nutty
Sara is zany
Hunter is wacky

By Ari Havusuha


Found enquine boy in hole

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Incremental Dialogue

Setting: Parent teacher conferences
Parents: “How is Rob doing this semester?”
Mr G: “Rob is picking things quickly, staying on task and making incremental progress in math and written expression.”
Parents: “That’s nice to hear because his attitude towards homework has been much better at home.”
Mr G: “With this attitude he will have a very successful year.”


1. Timeline
2. Minotaur comic
3. Glossary

all due Friday

Monday, November 17, 2008



By: Bayle James

A new kid comes to school.
Tom walks up to her and asks her name.
“Hey, what’s your name?”
“My name is Gabriela.” Replied Gabriela the new kid.
“Cool! My name is Tomas but everyone calls me Tom. Do you have a nickname?” asked Tom.
“Yes, my epithet is Gabi.” Gabi divulged.

Facebook Response

Facebook Response

Bayle James

Anything that is on the computer is fair game. You have to be totally careful about what you write and how you write it. Once something is in cyberspace there is no stopping it!

I think that it is seems unfair that the school was looking at the students account without them knowing. I think that if the school sent out a notice that mentioned the fact that they would be looking on Facebook it would have prepared the kids and they would not have written bad things. Since the school did not send out a warning this one student is like an example to the other students about what can happen when someone posts something inappropriate on the internet.

I heard that sometimes universities look at Facebook when they are choosing people to go to their schools. Anything that is posted can be seen. It is kind of funny how Facebook was made by two university students and now it can be used against university students.

Sunday, November 16, 2008


In my opinion I think that the student is wrong
because he posted the comment in public and involved a
name of the teacher. If it did no involve the name of
teacher it would not matter. It is false labeling
because the comment is not true.

The punishment fit the
crime because the teacher was so nervous to go back to school,
so she missed so she missed out on classes and salary. To make it even
he should miss out on the trip. If I were in the teachers shoes,
I would leave the school for a few days and if people do not forget, I
would move schools.

Coincide, Taut and Epitome Glossary posts

Newspaper Headline:
Coinciding sports games means bad traffic in downtown.

“Ok, Jimmy, make sure you tie that knot tautly.”
“Don’t worry mom, I’ve been practicing tying really tight knots.”
“Just remember to---”
“Use the thick rope” Jimmy’s mom sighed.

Epitome is to example as sad is to unhappy.

Facebook Situation

Bram offended and embarrassed his teacher. He was not aware that his conversation was not private at all and as a consequence was not being able to go on a trip to Montreal that he was looking forward to all year. Was it acceptable for Bram to do this and shoud he have gotten punished like he did?

My opinion is pulled to both sides so that I feel sympathy for each individual in this situation. I think that Bram was stupid and careless for discussing something that could potentially be harmful on his wall. He obviously did not realise the effects and consequences of the internet which is open to anyone. I think that the school was right to punish Bram but in my opinion the punishment did not fit the crime. The trip to Montreal seemed to be the highlight of the year that everyone was looking forward to, and I do not think that he should have gotten banned from the trip. I think the school should have told the students that they were monitoring their accounts before they stepped in. I think that if the school had told them that they were doing this  none of this would have happened. I understand that what happens to the teachers affects the school in some way but I do not necessarily think that the school should have gotten involved. I think that Bram and the teacher should have worked it out before the school intervened. I can not decide what kind of punishment he should have received with out knowing how far it spread. 

On the other hand I think what Bram did was very wrong. Not only was it lashon harah but he did it in a space where it could have gotten public and it did. If I was the teacher I would have been quite offended and upset with the students. Even if what he said was true it would be very mean but he made something up that was totally untrue.  Also once you write something on the internet you can not take it back so a false lie was exposed in the net for any one to see.  

Bram’s Facebook Dilemma

Bram’s Facebook Dilemma
By: Marc Levin

Was it right for Bram to make fun of his teacher on Facebook?

I think that everyone is right in their own way.

Bram’s dad, David, is right because the school had no authority to punish his child while he was at home without discussing it with him first.
The school is correct as, it was a rude thing that Bram did, and maybe the school does not tolerate rude things.
Bram was right because he didn’t now what he was saying was public. After all, even the President of Schools in Montreal said that kids can be irresponsible. Maybe Bram was just getting carried away with his buddies.
Finally the teacher has a good point.

To me, she has the best point of all. This one wall post affected her reputation. No school will ever accept her if she wanted to move. If she was too embarrassed to go back to school, this would alter her financial situation.

How are we going to solve this problem? My solution would be to have an awareness week about this situation. I would bring in a guest speaker that knows about Facebook, have him/her inform us about its safety, and make it a fun and good learning experience for everyone.

Hopefully the teacher fixed her problem, and that Bram got an easier punishment.

Marc L. 7B

Euphonious Glossary By: Marc L.

“Jim, what song would you like me to play for you on my guitar?”
“Well Jack, I would like you to play a song that is euphonious.”
“In that case I will play Classical Gas.”
“What a splendid choice Jack.”

Marc L.

Facebook Response


My opinion on this situation is very mixed. I feel this is very wrong of the student because the teacher’s reputation is now wrecked. By doing a little joke on the web it can affect someone very much. If I was put in the teacher’s shoes I would be greatly hurt.

I also feel that doing what the school did was a huge invasion of privacy. The boy went onto Facebook assuming that he was able to post a joke about his teacher and would not be affected by it at all. If the boy had known that the administration team would be searching Facebook, he most probably would have avoided doing this to his teacher.

Another opinion I have on this situation is the punishment was not fair and a bit extreme. The father stated on the clip we head that he is very cautious of what his son does on the internet. His father also said that his son should not be punished because his action was done at home and not at school. In other words he should not be punished for what he has done outside of school. I agree with this because a boy lost the chance to go on an amazing trip just because of something he had done irresponsibly at home.

A possible solution to this problem is to make sure students set their settings to private. This could avoid public humiliation to the staff at the school. This is an easy task and if the students are not responsible enough to do so, is there fault. Although, in this boy’s case he was not sure how to so set his settings to private so under these circumstances it can be understood.

All in all I truly feel that this student’s action was not right but the punishment was not fair to the student. This will now teach all his classmates to be careful with what they say and do on Facebook and the internet itself.


Friday, November 14, 2008

Weight Analogy

Weight is to heavy as light is to feather

Dictionary entry


To mix together


Dictionary Entry

Plaudit: Enthusiastic approval

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Definition for ALGID

(al'-jid) adj. chilly, cold. [from Latin algidus, from algere "to be cold."]

Glossary page headline

Headline for stupendous:

"Danny Greenberg displays stupendous technique in hockey."


dictionary for confined


with in bounds
to enclose

Headline to Amphibian

"Amphibian museum is making millions off of tourists attractions"

-Janine Nifco 7B

Dictionary Entry

Tiller. till/er n: a lever used to turn the rubber of a boat from side to side.

Obliterated (dialouge)

Bob: Oh my gosh mom will kill me. I didn't listen to her when she said " Bob no playing soccer in the house".

Mom: Bob what have you done, you obliterated my new vase.

Bob: I am sorry mom.

Mom: I am sorry is not enough you are grounded young man

Bob: B- b-but MOM!

Mom: Shh!

Sharon Ardon 7B


An acrostic to flabbergasted:
Feeling very astonished and amazed
Like after the Canucks win a game with a shut out
And not lose like usual
Because it does not happen to often when we win and shut out the other team.
Benjamin was amazed at the way Zack wrote his essay
Everybody was astonished by the VTT Tornadoes win and it seemed that the new team would be 
Real good and their performance would flabbergast everyone.
Sometimes the occasional project is flabbergasting and amazingly surprising.
Tim was amused but also intrigued by how amazing the school play was.
Everybody was not expecting this to happen and they loved it.
Detention was unusual and flabbergasting.


"Hello Sara "
"hello Jenna"
Don't you totaly ornery that, the fact that food prices are going up"
"oh ya"


Mystique: an air or attitude of mystery and reverence developing around something or someone.



Maim: to inflict permanent injury on

Glower dictionary entry.

glower: to stare angrily or with a scowl.

Aequeosalinocalcalinosetaceoaluminosocupreovitriolic Headline!!!

"Aequeosalinocalcalinosetaceoaluminosocupreovitriolic H2O leaks from processing plant in Brazil."

By: Bram 7A

P.S.: Aequeosalinocalcalinosetaceoaluminosocupreovitriolic H2O means spa water.


Can we post 2 glossary entries now and get points for this week and next?


Bram 7A

Deter Headline

"United States Deters Terrorists from a repeat of nine eleven"


Glossary Page Post

Here is my acrostic for stupendous.

Not common


Bonus Opportunity

Post your response or comments to the Facebook lesson. Please check for spelling and grammar before posting. Watch for proper paragraphs as well.

Glossary posts and entries (two words) due tomorrow.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

"Exacerbate" Headline

" A new construction site exacerbates Vancouver's Traffic"


stupendous is to terrible as left is to right

Melcryptovestimentaphiliac Headline

"Young Man Caught and Convicted of Being a Melcryptovestimentaphiliac."

By: Bram 7A

P.S.: Melcryptovestimentaphiliac means someone who compulsivly steals ladies underwear.

Analogy for Arbitrary

Arbitrary is to random as structured is to scheduled



Is one space in between paragraphs good

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Cormorant Analogy


Cormorant is to gluttonous as heat is to hotness.

Marc Levin


The adherent of arsanal ran on to the field to hug his favourite player

I Made A Mistake!

Hi Everyone,

When I posted my analogy for the word zany I accidentally said it was a headline. So please not that Mr. G

Analogy for Marsupial

Koala is to marsupial as dog is to canine


Manufacture: What do you call a soda that is manufactured in a factory that makes soda pop out of toads?


Monday, November 10, 2008

Zany Analogy

Zany is to serious as up is to down


Sunday, November 9, 2008

Discombobulate Glossary Page
Discombobulate is to confused as Morose is to gloomy.



A poisonous shrub was found in a deserted bungalow in the Rocky Mountains.

Penurious Analogy By Jonah

Penurious is rich as black is to white.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Glee Acrostic

Loves to smile



Dictionary entry:

\si-NEK-duh-kee\, noun: a figure of speech by which a part is put for the whole or whole for a part or general for the special or vice versa

Friday, November 7, 2008

Excel Headline

"Kid excels greater than university student"

contumacious (analogy)

Contumacious is to rebellious as extrapolate is to assume.


Thursday, November 6, 2008



debrief v receive a report from a (soldier, diplomat, etc.) after an event. debriefing n

Sharon Ardon 7B


Dictionary Entry:
Foofaraw-to make a big deal over a little thing.
Example: Mr G. don't make a foofaraw over this grade.

slipshod acrostic

Some teachers get a 

Little bit 
Irritated with
Procrastination, and
Sulk marking 
Homework that is way
Due and slipshod


"Ragout" glossary entry


"Ragout wins first place in bake-off'"

My Headline to "Diffuse

This post is for next week....
The one for this week is Futtock...

Head Line:

Diffuse love for our 2010 olympic players


Wednesday, November 5, 2008


Scuba diver gets hit on the head after a stupid captain drops his ship's KILLICK on him.

Gargle Analogy

Gargle is to water as brush is to toothpaste.



Q: Who would you go to if you have an ear disease?
A: An aurist!

"Khaki" Analogy Matt

khaki is to soldier as scrubs are to surgeon

my computer was accidentaly logged on to melody's account so by accident I posted an acrostic on the word astuteness.
this was posted by adi not Melody.
Sorry for the inconvenience!

Astuteness Acrostic

An antonym
Such as
terrible lack of brain cells.
up front about cleverness
tremendessly intelligent
extra wisdom
sense of
sorrow for those who aren't astute

Analogy for Shanghi

Shanghi is to China as Vancouver is to Canada

root tree for : Incredulous

root tree:




The word is CARKING: Worried is to scared as clam is to happy

Glossary Post for the Word Melee

Matthew the confused fighter
Larry in the head
Eric joins in to the
Extreme and confused melee


Tuesday, November 4, 2008


Very few trees
Easily recognizable
Lots of bushes and shrubs
Doesn't have mountains

Glossary Entry by Jed: Heliotrope

Heavenly rays of sun
Erupt on to the
Luscious green grass flares
In the morning at the
Ominous glow that
Tints the sky a
Reddish purple the
Oval shaped sun
Pierces through the mourning sky
Everyone watches in silence

-Jed S.

Penurious Analogy

Penurious is to wealthy as up is to down.

By: Bram S. 7A



Marc punches Eric
veryone screams "YAY"
ric has enough energy to
liminate Marc with a final punch ending the extreme melee

By Arieh Leon Dales

Monday, November 3, 2008

Glower Glossary by Marc Levin


Newspaper Headline:

John McCain Glowers at Barack Obama

Obtuse and Cantankerous Glossary Posts

For obtuse:

Obtuse man electrocutes himself while trying to blow dry his hair in the shower.

For cantankerous:

Cantankerous is to grumpy as intelligent is to smart. 


Sunday, November 2, 2008

Jubilant Analogy

Jubilant is to happy as excited is to thrilled.


Connotation of Detestation

Detestation and hatred are synonyms but they have different connotations. When you hate something you strongly dislike it but the thing does not make you physically ill. However when you detest something it means you hate it but also you get physically disgusted by it. 

by Adina 

Acronym for wire


Electricity and/or information between two points.

Dictionary entry for 'Futtock'

Each of the curved timber pieces forming the lower part of  ships frame


Saturday, November 1, 2008

Glossery Page for "devastating"

Devastating news, only 28% of Vancouver voted in the last election


Expulsion Glossary By Jonah


The act of driving out or expelling.

Morose Glossary Page by Jonah


Many people are depressed about failing the math test
On Monday Jason was gloomy
Ronald had a temper from fighting with his friends
Over the past week the class was sad because the pet hamster died
Sandy's tennis lesson was canceled, so she was gloomy
Everyday Jane misses her father