Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Mikaela makes a poem UNBORING!

The elf-boy named Michael sprinted home from school

For his belly was hungry and he started to drool

He looked at the fridge and what did he find?

A tall white rectangle looking divine

So he ran then slipped and fell on his face

Nothing he did could cover his disgrace.

Then he crawled to the fridge as quick as a mouse

So no one outside could tell he was in this house

And finally he got there and opened it up

For at that minute he thought he had good luck

But suddenly the eggs and flour tumbled down

And at that moment Michael got a big frown

By: Mikaela E.

poem response

Bayle September 10, 2007

Maybe Dats Youwr Pwoblem Too
Jim Hall

Everybody has problems, even Spiderman!

This poem starts off with the main character of the poem blaming everything on himself. He says that “evwybody’s pwoblems is due to da fact, due to da awful twuth dat I am SPIDERMAN.”

Why do people blame themselves for everything?

When I blame myself I am usually in a really bad mood and most of the time something bad has happened. I feel that all the problems in the world are because of me. I feel like the world is resting on my shoulders.

Now imagine if the world really was resting on your shoulders and you felt like this. Imagine if you had to wake up everyday and save the world, save other people, never have time for yourself and never get a day off. Imagine if you had a routine where you would put on a suit, rush to a crime scene, wrestle a bad guy and know you are going to win, then when you do win tie him up with some rope and take him to the police. Then finally get to go home until you get the next call.

What’s the difference between Spiderman and having a job that you hate, a job where you do the same thing everyday over and over again?

Most people would think that being Spiderman is a great job because you get to get all the glory, everyone loves you and there are even TV shows and comic books about you. Now think about from the other point of view.

This poem shows what it would be like to actually be Spiderman. To do this job everyday.

At the end of the poem it says “you just can’t quit being sometin like SPIDERMAN. You SPIDERMAN for life. Fowever. I can’t even buin my suit. Its’ fwame wesistent.” This means that you can’t quit being yourself. You are yourself forever.

poem response

Bayle J. September 15, 2007

Footsteps to Follow
Kelli Carter

This poem teaches all of us a very powerful message and that message is that you should be careful who you look up to.

Everyone needs a hero to look up to, some one that you want to be like. This poem is telling you to be careful who that person is because if you look up to someone that isn’t a good person and you know that, and then you may become a bit like that person.

On Rosh Hashanah the rabbi was talking about how kids look up to famous people but you should teach your kids to make good choices. Some times the best people to look up to are right in front of you, because you know who they are and what they represent. I think that this relates to the poem because Kelli Carter looked up to an author that she didn’t know she only knew the image of the author not the actual author.

“What happened to all the Lone Rangers, the heroes on white stallions, the knights in white armor who fought for our honor?” This explains how she is questioning everything she believed. I think that she is still not over the fact that her favorite author is no longer her hero.

When I found out the background of the poem it really helped me understand why Kelli Carter wrote the poem. “Whose footsteps are we to follow now? Whose shoes are we to fill?” I think that this part is saying how she is in need of a new hero a new person to look up to. A new author she feels lost and alone. No tracks to follow.


If any of you want to post something just send it to me at

thank you,

today's homework

  1. fairytale brainsplat (thurs)

grade 6

isn't grade six awesome guys! especialy with Mr.G! I love having a home room and i'm sure you do to!

your fellow friend,


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