Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Praise for Nini

Hey Janine,

Sweet poem!!!!!! Looking forward to hear more from Janine N. the Poet!

Marc L.

Nini's poem

Hi Nini,

You've chosen a topic that poets have been writing about for generations: inspiration!
You are beginning to develop your voice in your poems, which is a big step for writers. My challenge for you is to use every line and stanza break to your advantage. Some of your chosen words are so powerful that they deserve a line of their own. I'll leave you to choose which ones those are.

As always, thanks for sharing your work!

-Mr. G.

Bereshit/Yanshuf Subscription

Please discuss with your parents about this wonderful magazine in easy Hebrew and let me know by Friday if you are interested. You can see a sample at: We are going to have a special group discount.

History Homework

For Tuesday Nov. 27th: Read chapter 5 in the book and work on chapter 5 in your workbook.
Ask your parents what is the origin of their ancastors.

Homework in Prophets

For Thursday Nov.22nd: Read Samuel 1 chapter 2 verses 27-36: What is the punishment of Eli's family?
Read Chapter 3 from you internet sites.

Hebrew Homework

Thursday the 22nd a test in Hebrew about the story "Sliha Shebalev"

Hi everyone,

If anyone knows the homework can you please tell me because I forgot.


Idea poem

How do
You write a
Poem without an idea?

You cant
Pick up your
Pencil and scribble everywhere

You need
Inspiration to motivate
Yourself to start writing

Look around,
There’s new
Worlds you haven’t yet seen

Picture yourself
On a safari
Bus with other people

Navigate yourself
Into the ocean
With waves and dolphins

I can
Keep helping you
Picture yourself in places

But only
You can decide
What happens next. So

Trust yourself,
Let your eyes
Do all the thinking

-Janine Nifco