Tuesday, February 2, 2010

OMG! Is that Big Bird? (Bye, Bye Big Birdie)

OMG Is that Big Bird

It was Thanksgiving dinner at Elmo’s house; Bert, Ernie, Cookie Monster, Count, and Oscar the Grouch were very surprised to find out that Elmo was serving roasted Big Bird!
“What are we having for dinner Elmo?” Cookie Monster asked.
“You will know soon enough!” Elmo snapped.
“I know what we are having.” Bert said.
“What?” Ernie yells playfully.
“We are having roasted Big Bird!”
“I don’t believe you at all” said Ernie.
“Well you will find out for yourself when dinner starts” Bert says hastily
When Elmo Brings out Big Bird, Count and Oscar the Grouch get so mad that they leave dinner.
“Why did you kill big bird,” Count Fumes.
“Because I hate him!” Elmo says oblivious to the alarm on everyone else’s faces.
“WOW! You are a disgrace to the Sesame Street family; Big Bird is our friend too.” Count yells rapidly.
“YA!” the rest of the people at dinner yell.
“Ossie lets go! Let’s leave these cruel people to eat our poor Big Bird” Count sniffles which is very unlike him, because he normally shows no emotion.
“No I don’t want to; because I am hungry. Oh and by the way my name is Oscar the Grouch!” Oscar yells grouchily.
“Oh fine lets go” Oscar says grouchily. (Again)
“Okay! 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, Tick Tock Tick Tock”
Once Count and Oscar leave, dinner moves very slowly!
“Are we having cookies for dessert; Because C is for cookie and that good enough for me!” Cookie Monster sings.
“No we are having Yellow Feather Pudding covered in BB Feet Sauce!” Elmo says excitedly
“UWWW! GROSS! Why are we eating more of Big Bird?” Bert, Ernie and Cookie monster yell.
“We are also having Red Bird Heart Tea! I love eating Big Bird it makes me fell alive!” Elmo happily replied.
“Good thing I brought cookies. I brought chocolate, strawberry, oatmeal, banana, sugar, and butter cookies. I am a cookie-aholic!” Cookie Monster states happily.
“I force you to try my dessert or you will hurt my feelings,” Elmo commands.
“Well I am eating cookies!” Cookie Monster said
“Me too!” Bert and Ernie yell.
“Well fine then, if you three don’t want to eat the delicious food I cooked, you can leave.” Elmo shouts with fierce anger.
“Fine then we will!” Bert, Ernie, and Cookie Monster say snottily.
“Bye,” Elmo said sarcastically
“Bye, Bye. I hope you realize Elmo that you committed a crime, we are going to tell the court!” Bert, Ernie, and Cookie Monster say in unison.
“Go tell on me, do what you want twits!” Elmo yells in fury.
3 Weeks Later:

Dear, Mr. Elmo
You have been accused of killing Big Bird by Bert, Ernie, Count, Cookie Monster, and Oscar the Grouch. You are going to be tried in Sesame Street Court on the 15th of February, 2010 at 1:00 p.m. We require you to have a lawyer and evidence that you are not guilty.

Thank you for your attention,

The Court Crew & The Police

“Wow they are LOW!” Elmo said to himself.

Adi's Dialogue About 'Bye Bye Big Birdie.'

The Surpirse
"Happy Thanksgiving everyone!" Yelled Ernie, the loudest he yelled in ten minutes.
"I'm hungry! Can we get to the main course, already?" asked Oscar miserably.
"Sure," said the Count "I'll get the dish."
The Count went into the kitchen to get the meal. Mean while Elmo and Ernie burst into their favorite songs.
"Rubber ducky you're the one." sang Ernie closing his eyes, and imagining his rubber ducky.
"This is the song, la la la, Elmo's song." proudly sang Elmo.
The Count was walking into the room with the dish, as he was singing his favorite tune.
"1, 2, 3, 4, 1 2 3 4 1234!" sang the Count. "dinner is served!"
"Who? Why? When? What? Where?" cried Elmo.
"What Elmo is tying to say is that: Why did you cook Big Bird?" said Burt very maturely.
"I'm not very hungry now, I think I will only eat my cookies." said the Cookie Monster very softly.
"Well, Ernie didn't let me cook his rubber ducky, and Big bird as the only bird left in town." the Count said.
" I don't want to eat him! He was my friend." Said Burt.
"Yeah!" everyone but the Count replied.
"OK, OK, i give up." Said the Count.
Then Oscar started to whistle to the tune of "Cone Together". Everyone joined the singing sadly.
"Surprise!" screamed Big Bird while popping out of the crust.
"Who? Why? When? What? Where?" cried Elmo.
"What Elmo is tying to say is that: How are you alive Big Bird?" Asked Burt.
"This is a prank guys!" said Big Bird then bursting into laughter. Ernie, Bert, Count, Oscar, Elmo and Cookie Monster all joined the laughter, and lived happily ever after in Sesame Street.
The End
-Adi Rosenkrantz 6B

bye bye big birdie

All of the sesame street characters were sitting around the dinner table at thanks giving. All of a sudden they hear a very loud shriek.

‘’Ahhhhhhhhhh’’ said Elmo

‘’ What have you done with my big big birdie. I wanted his red juicy red blood’’ said the count thirstily

‘’ It’s too late I already removed all of his blood’’ said the Italian chef

‘’ Is he stuffed with chocolate or vanilla cookies?’’ said the cookie monster hopingly

Well the whole dinner table was starring directly at big birdie. The disgusting part was that it still had his silky, yellow feathers on him.

‘’ Ewwwwwww’’ said Elmo disgusted

‘’ I will not eat my friend’’ said the cookie monster protesting

‘’ I agree’’ said the whole table

Oreras and cookies

Operas and Cookies

It’s thanksgiving finally. I just came back from the Cookie Factory. Oh no! I forgot where I was going for dinner tonight. I should call up Elmo he’ll know where I’m going.

“ Elmo, Elmo are you there? I don’t know where I’m going for dinner tonight!”

“ Um… I don’t know. I’m going to Big Birds place, sorry.”

Elmo replied.

It’s okay, I’ll call Bart.

“Bart are you there?”

“Oh hi Cookie dude what’s up?”

“I don’t know were I’m going to dinner tonight?”

“Well I’m going to Big Birds sorry.”

I know I’ll call Ernie.

“Ernie you there buddy?”

“Yup what’s cookin?”

“I don’t know were I’m going for dinner tonight.”

“How should I know. I’m sorry but I’m going to Big Birds.”

I guess I could call The Count.

“Yes what is it?”

The Count shrieked.

“I don’t know were I’m having Thanksgiving dinner!”

“Slowly, slowly, slowly getting angry!”


“This doesn’t concern me goodbye!”

Maybe I should just wait for someone to call me!

“Ring, ring”

The telephone. Yay!

“Cookie Monster it is Elmo, and I have some good news that I might just put this on my show. You know the one with the, oh here I’ll sing it! Lalalala, lalalala, Elmo’s world. Lalalala, lalalala Elmo’s world. Anyway you can come with me to Big Birds!”

“Great I’ll see you there!”


“I’m here everyone! Oh my gosh it’s Big Bird cooked for dinner!”


Screamed Elmo.

“It’s Big Bird for dinner. Look Elmo can’t you see the hot, yellow, feathery thing on the black table? I guess I shouldn’t have been so excited for Thanksgiving. I could have staid home watching operas eating cookies

Leor's Bye Bye Big Birdie Dialogue

On Thanksgiving eve while all the Sesame Street gang were piled up in Elmo’s attic with Elmo singing “Elmo’s song”, Oscar singing “I love trash” and Ernie singing “Rubber Ducky”, It was a joyous time when suddenly while The Count was counting all his friends, he noticed someone was missing.

“Let me count all my friends” said The Count

“I see 1 Elmo, 1 Ernie, 1 Bert, 1 Cookie Monster, 1 Oscar and…1 me, Count. That is six friends, yesterday I counted 7 friends that means one of our friends is missing MWAHAHAHAHAAA”

Suddenly Elmo asked “Where is Big Bird?”

“I don’t know where Big Bird is” said Cookie Monster

“But I do know that I like cookies!!”

At that moment the, clean, elegant chef (also known as Oscar who is not clean or elegant) came out of the kitchen holding a big Turkey (or so they thought).

“That looks like someone I know” said Ernie

“I just don’t know who it could be” Ernie added

“It’s Big Bird!!” cried Bert in disbelief.

“Oh no!!!” they all moaned loudly

“I’m hungry and that’s all we’ve got so we might as well eat it” Ernie suggested as he divided the pieces of Big Bird unequally.

As Ernie got back to his seat next to Bert and handed him his food he said

“ Okay, here you go Bert old buddy, now you see this right here is your delicious glass of ice cold grape juice and right here is my delicious glass of ice cold grape juice”

“Right, Right” replied Bert looking suspiciously at the two glasses

“And right here” Ernie continued

“Is your delicious piece of Big Bird stuffed with cheese sausage and anchovies”

“Ya,Ya” Bert replied

“And you see this one right here is my piece of delicious Big Bird stuffed with cheese sausage and anchovies you see?” Ernie asked honestly

“So, you ready to eat Bert?” Ernie asked

“Uh, no Ernie, Ernie no” Bert replied

“Something wrong Bert?” Ernie questioned

“Yes something is wrong, it seems to me that your part is bigger than mine and you have more juice than me” Bert said unhappily

“I can fix that, see” replied Ernie as he munched on his pizza until both pieces were equal and sipped the juice until both cups were filled the same amount

“There” Ernie announced proudly

“Now our pieces are equal”

“But you just ate some…..” Bert tried to say before he got cut off as the gang started singing a joyous tune

“Mmm…this is good” said Elmo

“But not as good as cookies” said Cookie Monster

“Let us say thanks to our friend Big Bird for sacrificing himself so we will have us a nice meal for thanksgiving” said The Count as he counted all the things he had thanks for

The gang finished their meal happily, it was delicious, but they all still had a bad feeling inside, they were murderers.

Bye Bye Big Birdie

"Oh my!" Elmo gasped.
It was the thanks giving dinner and everyone was in a state of surprise, but Count was eying the main course hungrily.
"Me rather have some cookies..." muttered Cookie Monster.
"Isn't that?"
"No! It couldn't be!" whispered Ernie and Bert.
A feather and headless bird was lying on the serving platter. A big bird.
"Elmo's not eating Big Bird!" Elmo announced.
No one could believe it! Who would commit this awful murder? Count didn't seem to mind, though. He was already nibbling on a big orange foot.
"Umm, was there a mistake here?" I peeped.
I was late, though listening outside the door in my little garbage can. I finally dared to walk in, because all i had seen was a little glimpse of the room.
"Oscar!" everyone hollered in unison.
"Yes...?" I muttered, my eyed glued to the black and rusty bottom of my garbage can.
"You! You did this!" shrieked Elmo.
The whole room started whispering around me, I caught little bits of:
"Always was such a grouch!" from around Ernie and Bert, and
"Unbelievable!" from Elmo.
Finally, I can't take it anymore,
"Alright! Alright! Everyone calm down, I didn't kill Big Bird! But I will admit that I captured him, so someone else could,"
Everyone gasped around me.
"It was Count!" I confess.
"What!?" Count bellowed from across the room,
"I may have taken him from you, but kill him? Never!!"
"It was me" a little voice said from inside the kitchen. "I killed him he slapped me really hard, just yesterday, I was so aggravated, and we had nothing to eat for thanksgiving!"
No one knew who it was, until Grover popped out.
"No way!" even I shouted that along with everyone, this time!
I couldn't believe it, that little Grover, committing murder? Well there must be some really good reason to go that fir, I thought, and Grover seemed to be reading my mind because he said
"I didn't know what else to do with that unusually huge turkey!"
"But," Elmo responded "Big Bird wasn't a turkey, he was just a Big Bird!"
"Big Bird? Who said anything about Big Bird? Hes was in there, preparing the meal with me!"
"Then, who is that?" Count, Elmo, and I said in unison.
"That? That's just a gigantic chicken from the farm next door!"
"Hi, everyone, sorry I'm so late, I was just working on the dessert, I hope everyone likes the turkey!" Big Bird stuck his huge feathery head out from the kitchen.
"Big Bird???" everyone shouted.
"Yes?" he replied.
"Your alive! Not on the plate! Oh, Big Bird!!" Elmo rushed to Big Bird to give him a big, Elmo like hug.
"Yes, I guess I am alive!" responded Big Bird.
Finally we could all eat our yummy thanksgiving dinner in peace! But I must say, I think old Granny Grouch's garbage stuffed turkey is a whole lot better than that! Oh, well, there's always next year!

Book Talk Dolphin Song

Dolphin Song

Lauren St. John

Have you ever had a best friend? That you never stopped thinking about? Well that was Martines relationship with Jemmy, her white giraffe. Martine met Jemmy when she suddenly moved to a game reserve in Africa with her Grandma. After her parents died on a fire.

When Martine goes with her class on a boat trip for ten days it’s bad enough she’s away from Jemmy but disaster strikes. She and a couple other classmates get thrown over board in to the ice cold water. They have lost all hope, but suddenly a swarm of dolphins take them to a deserted island! Martine and her classmates are relieved that they are safe, but no so excited that they are stranded on a deserted island. When 21 dolphins beach themselves they have to work together to save them and figure out why the dolphins are beaching themselves.

Oh did I forget to tell you Martine has a healing power? Well she does she can heal animals.

Back of the book


It’s the sequel to “the white giraffe”.

I’d recommend this book to girls or boys who are our age (Grade 6 or 7). It is adventure, mystery and fiction. People who like reading about people our age would specifically enjoy this book.

Dolphin Song is available at the library, Kids Books and other book stores.

Bye Bye Big Bird

When I walked into Elmo’s house on sunday evening for Thanksgiving, I stopped in my tracks. pastedGraphic.pdf Slowly, slowly, slowly getting fasterpastedGraphic_1.pdf I make my way to my seat. I thought I was going crazy! I would of never thought one of us would kill Big bird! It seemed as if I wasn’t the only one surprised by the centre piece of the elegant table. I heard Ernie and Bert whispering beside me.

“I knew it! Just knew it! You killed Big bird!” whispered Ernie to Bert in a tense voice.

“Hey! don’t jump to conclusion just because I’m short! I didn’t do it!” replied Bert.

Well that rules out Ernie and Bert!

“Oh really?” Ernie said sarcastically.

“Yes really! Didn’t you consider the cookie monster? He never liked Big Bert!”

“Clink,clink” Elmo tapped his glass, gaining everyones attention.

“I’m sure you are all puzzled as to why our pal Big Bird is our main course!” explained Elmo.

“Yes!” we all said in unison.

“Well, you’ll just have to find out next year at thanksgiving!” Elmo said maliciously.

And that was Thanksgiving at Elmo’s house! Poor Big Bird! He sure tasted excellent though, nice and crispy!

guess what's for dinner

"Hey guess what it's Big Bird's birthday" said Elmo. While
everyone was at the huge table Big Bird said
"Hey did you know it was my birthday"
"Yes aren't you excited"
"Oh yeah" meanwhile Erney, Burt and the cookie monster were so
starved they could eat anything in their sight. Ereny thought in his
"Man I'm wondering what's for Big Bird's birthday" Burt thought
"I am just so hungry I hope something huge wiil show up on my plate
today." And the cookie monster said
"I LOVE COOKIES." and Ollie said
"I DO TOO." THe Count thought
"I hope there's going to be a lot of blood." ANd Oscar thought
"Man oh amn oh man I am just so hungry, starved anything that can
explain hungry more than I can" and Elmo thought
"Ha ha ha ha stop tickleing me.... No nevermind keep doing it." Everyone
said all together
"WHERE'S BIG BIRD!" At the time Big Bird just came in and spoke
"So what's for my birthday a cake, cookies"
"No cookies are mine" said the cookie monster
"No it's you" said Elmo in a disgusting greedy tone
"Ha tickle me."

Sesame street suprise

Last Wednesday, it was thanksgiving. You must know that every thanksgiving, you eat turkey, well, this is what happened on Sesame street.
“Hi everyone!” Elmo said in his squeaky voice. “Who made this huge turkey?”
“Big Bird did,” the Count said with a huge grin, but, then again, he always smiled.
“Oh yah? Well, where is he then?” snapped Oscar the grouch.
“In da turkey,” Cookie monster said. “He maked himself, yum yum!”
Everyone stared at the abnormally large turkey in disgust. The mashed potatoes and the beans, the salad and the dressing, all of the sides they would have been eating with Big Bird. Were they hearing Cookie monster correctly?
Finally, Bert and Ernie broke the silence, “We gotta get him out of there!”
“Honk, snuffle snuffle,” went the large roasted bird.
“Shh, I think that was Big Bird!” Elmo said in his calm voice.
Then “POP!” Big Bird burst out of the turkey and made the whole gang jump halfway to the moon!
They were all so agitated and fidgety by that point that every started saying something VERY random.
Cookie monster started saying “Cookie, Cookie! Must have my cookie’s, C is for cookie!”
Bert and Ernie started to sing “Rubber ducky, you’re so fine. You make me happy, all the time. Rubber ducky, you’re the one for me!”
Count sang “Slowly, slowly, slowly getting faster. Faster, faster once I start I cannot stop.”
It was chaos!
Oscar yelled “Stay away from my trash can! My garbage!”
Even Elmo, who was usually VERY calm, started to sing “La La La La, La La La La, Elmo’s world, Na Na Na Na, Na Na Na Na, Elmo’s song.” Although, he couldn’t finish the song because he didn’t have his gold fish with him!
In the end, everyone was quiet enough to realize that everything was ok!



1. Post a polished "Bye Bye, Big Birdie" with proper use of quotation marks. Indenting might not be possible on the blog, so you may want to do as Rachel has done and space out each paragraph. Thank you Rachel for starting us off. (Due Thursday)

2. Multi-genre glossary entries for "character" and "narrative" (Due Friday)

I'm looking forward to reading your "Bye Bye, Birdie scenes!

Bye Bye Big Birdie

As all the members of Sesame Street Sat around the table to have a nice thanksgiving Big Bird (Yes I said Big Bird) They discussed the murder they had just committed. Yes I'm sorry to say Elmo, The Count, Ernie, Bert and Oscar killed Big Bird.

"Big Bird was such a hassle it was the right thing to do," Said Elmo.

" Oh yes I agree besides he wouldn't want his blood to go to waste by using it for something dumb like living no no he would want me to drink all 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 10 gallons of blood," Said the count.

"Rubber ducky and I both agree that this is the best thing that has ever happened to us," said Ernie.

"Bye Bye big Birdie were no going to miss you so," Said Oscar.

"COOKIES!!!!!!" Yelled The Cookie Monster

"the bird is ready," Said Ernie.

"I LOVE COOKIES!!!!!!," Screeched the cookie monster again.

"The Bird is great," Said Elmo.

"Yum," Said Bert.

After Dinner everyone agreed to never kill again. Everyone except Elmo.

Thanksgiving On Sesame Street

This is Sesame Street on Thanksgiving. Quiet and peaceful. Why don't we go to Elmo's World and see how Elmo is.
"La la la la, La la la la, Elmo's World. La la la la, La la la la, Elmo's World Elmo loves Thanksgiving, and turkeys too. That's Elmo's World!"You must know ho sang that.
"I'm so excited!" Ernie yelled happily. "I can't wait to see what is for dinner."
"I know! Grover is the best chef ever!" Bert exclaimed.
"Elmo is a bit worried. Grover sometimes makes strange things." Elmo mentioned.
"Cookies!" Cookie Monster said randomly.
"No! We are not having cookies for Thanksgiving dinner!!!!" Everyone yelled furiously.
"Darn." Cookie whined.
"I hate Thanksgiving. It's so full of love and praise." Oscar snarled. "I wish it was called Hategiving. No one would have to do anything nice for a whole day."
"Osasr! Why must you be so full of hate?! It gets so annoying!" Count yelled.
"O.K. everyone." Grover said with a smile as he came out of the kitchen. "I hope you enjoy your roast..."
"Big Bird!!!" Everyone said in such a huge state of shock.
"Uh, oh." Cookie said. This is Sesame Street on Thanksgiving. Quiet and peaceful. Why don't we go to Elmo's World and see how Elmo is.
"La la la la, La la la la, Elmo's World. La la la la, La la la la, Elmo's World Elmo loves Thanksgiving, and turkeys too. That's Elmo's World!"You must know ho sang that.
"I'm so excited!" Ernie yelled happily. "I can't wait to see what is for dinner."
"I know! Grover is the best chef ever!" Bert exclaimed.
"Elmo is a bit worried. Grover sometimes makes strange things." Elmo mentioned.
"Cookies!" Cookie Monster said randomly.
"No! We are not having cookies for Thanksgiving dinner!!!!" Everyone yelled furiously.
"Darn." Cookie whined.
"I hate Thanksgiving. It's so full of love and praise." Oscar snarled. "I wish it was called Hategiving. No one would have to do anything nice for a whole day."
"Osasr! Why must you be so full of hate?! It gets so annoying!" Count yelled.
"O.K. everyone." Grover said with a smile as he came out of the kitchen. "I hope you enjoy your roast..."
"Big Bird!!!" Everyone said in such a huge state of shock.
"Uh, oh." Cookie said.