Hey 6A,
Mr. G changed the date for book binding, but when is it??
Friday, January 11, 2008
Posted by Nini at 11:16 PM 0 comments
Emma starts the year off right!
Where is it
Is it really true or
Do they just say it because they don’t want us to feel bad
Are you able to communicate
Are you able to think
Can you do everything you can do here
Or is it just your inside that leaves
Is it up in the clouds
Is it in the air or
Is it nothing but a black hole
Do you come back down or
Is it just
the end
by: Emma K. 6A
Posted by Adam Gelmon at 5:58 PM 3 comments
6B homework!
Mr G: make the inside cover for the book binding by decorating it with colours. ( Fold in half ( if you fold wrong, you won't get another one! I suggest you plan out what you're going to make the inside cover like, instead of just colouring it any way you feel like, and when you come up with a new idea, you cannot use it!))
Due Mon
Posted by Super Scyther at 2:53 PM 0 comments