Sunday, January 20, 2008

6A bookbinding tomorrow

Bookbinding tomorrow is only for 6A class. As mentioned, 6B will build their books on February 4th. 6A students: please remember to bring all of the pages that you want bound to class tomorrow. Also, please make sure that you've checked your work for spelling and grammar.

Looking forward to building books with you!

-Mr. G.

Poem by Emma


Where is it
Is it really true or
Do they just say it
because they don’t want us to feel bad

Are you able to communicate
Are you able to think
Can you do everything you can do here
Or is it just your inside that leaves

Is it up in the clouds
Is it in the air or
Is it nothing but a black hole

Do you come back down or
Is it just
The end

extra inside bookbinding sheets

Hey guys,

I was just wondering if Mr.G. or anyone had 2 extra inside bookbinding sheets because I accidentally messed up again.
Mr. G. maybe you could tell me the size of the paper if you don't have any extras and I will try to get it.
Thanks so much