Friday, October 26, 2007

6B's homework

farytale story in full paragraphs due (mon)

Homework 6A

Fairy Tale outline into paragraphs due Monday.
One poetry response due Tuesday.

Talking Book Review: Matthew reviews The Transall Saga

Welcome to our Grade 6 Lit Blog

I am in Israel!!!!

hey everyone!
i am sorry that i have not posted anything before this but my dad would not pay for internet in the hotel!
it is almost shabbat so i have to hurry (its 4:10 pm now).i have gone to a lot of places in israel like the kotel, tel aviv and two museums. i have also been to a lot of great kosher meat restaurants! i am having a lot of fun in israel playing with friends and just hanging out with my friend aviva miller. i am going to eilat after shabbat (on sunday) i will try to post somthing while i am in eilat so until then bye bye!
