Monday, April 27, 2009

Journal Questions for the Giver

#1:The jobs that have been mentioned so far in the book are nurturer, receiver and elder. Nurturers take care of the babies and make sure the babies are healthy and doing well because if one is not it will be expelled. The receiver is in charge of the rules; he is the person you go to if you want a rule passed. He has the power of deciding on the rules. Lastly elders decide on the twelve year old kid’s job based on their hobbies, talents and interests. So far in the book the jogs in their society are different than ours.  

#2: My opinion on the process is mixed. I believe that it is a good thing to take on responsibility at a young age but I also believe that it should be your choice of what you do and how you do it. I think that it is good to try different things but Jonas’s society does not really give this option. I do not think it is good to be assigned to something at such a young age because you are restricted and I think it would be harder to reach out and experience all sides of life. Also you get separated from your friends if they are not assigned the same job as yourself. All in all I think it has more downs and it is not the best way of doing things.

#3: I think I would be assigned as a doctor because I am interested in science and I like taking care of people. 

The Giver: Vocab List #2


awe |ô|
a feeling of reverential respect mixed with fear or wonder : they gazed in awe at the small mountain of diamonds | the sight filled me with awe | his staff members are in awe of him.
• archaic capacity to inspire awe : is it any wonder that Christmas Eve has lost its awe?

A feeling that consists of respect and
Wonder/fear and is often used when someone is surprisingly
Excited with an event that happened.


reassure |ˌrēəˈ sh oŏr|
verb [ trans. ]
say or do something to remove the doubts and fears of someone : he understood her feelings and tried to reassure her | [ trans. ] Joachim reassured him that he was needed | [as adj. ] ( reassuring) Gina gave her a reassuring smile.

Synonyms: cheer, comfort, console
Antonyms: discourage, dishearten, unnerve


incident |ˈinsidənt|
an event or occurrence : several amusing incidents.
• a violent event, such as a fracas or assault : one person was stabbed in the incident.
• a hostile clash between forces of rival countries.
• ( incident of) a case or instance of something happening : a single incident of rudeness does not support a finding of contemptuous conduct.
• the occurrence of dangerous or exciting things : the winter passed without incident.
• a distinct piece of action in a play or a poem.

incident is to occurance as big is to huge.


hoard |hôrd|
a stock or store of money or valued objects, typically one that is secret or carefully guarded : he came back to rescue his little hoard of gold.
• an ancient store of coins or other valuable artifacts : a hoard of Romano-British bronzes.
• an amassed store of useful information or facts, retained for future use : a hoard of secret information about his work.

Having lots of
Objects and guarding them in
A safe place
Really secretly so that no one finds out what you
Did take.


chastise | ch asˈtīz|
verb [ trans. ]
rebuke or reprimand severely : he chastised his colleagues for their laziness.
• dated punish, esp. by beating.

Analogy: hitting is to chastising as shovel is to hole


1. Glossary- 2 genres and a sentence (Week 2): awe, reassure, incident, hoard (Wed)
2. Journal questions (2 paragraphs) (Wed) Blog bonus for posting this one

How are jobs or "Assignments" chosen for Twelves? What are your thoughts on this process? What job might have been "Assigned" to you based on the talents, skills and interests you have exhibited over the past years?