Thursday, October 25, 2007


My aunt says that where you
stand depends on where you

I don’t get it, I say,

Auntie asks,
You know the girl who always cries in class?

Yes, I say, thinking how she is so

Her parents are getting divorced.

Oh, I say,
feeling bad for her.

And you know that boy who
always pushes or hits you?

Yes, I say,
thinking how that boy is such a meanie.

He likes you.

Oh, I say, feeling a bit

And you know how your dad laughs like
a monkey sometimes?

Yes I say, thinking how he can be
so embarrassing.

He does that when he’s nervous.

Oh, I say,
thinking about how anxious he can get.

And you know the girl who
always gets perfect in everything?

Yes, I say,
thinking how annoying she can be.

She loses sleep worrying about

Oh, I say,
thinking how awful that must be.

And you know the boy who always
blames you for something he does?

Yes, I say, thinking how
self-centered he can be.

He has health issues.

Oh, I say,
thinking how hard it must be for him.

You know the teacher who always
criticizes you?

Yes, I say, thinking how she can be
a meanie, too.

She does that because she knows
you can do better.

Oh, I say,
thinking how sort of nice that is.

And then I tell my aunt
that maybe there are times
when it’s a good idea
to move chairs

Sit somewhere else, you know?



Adam Gelmon said...


It's been said that the best way to get to understand someone is to walk in their shoes; your poem reminds us of this ever-important idea.

Thanks for this.

-Mr. G.

Anonymous said...

Fanny, this is a truly thoughtful and beautifully written poem. Your message is important for all of us.

Ms. St.Helene

Aviva said...

great poem fanny!!