Wednesday, December 17, 2008

The Cookie Monster Good Copy

The Cookie Monster

The Cookie Monster, 100, passed away January 1, 1500 at the Mental Cookie Hospital at 12:00 am. He will be sadly and missed by his loving family and friends, a beloved mother, the Cookie mama, his father, the Cookie daddy, his brother, the Cookie nerd, his sister the Cookie geek, and his younger brother the Cookie dork.
His friends Big Bird, Oscar, the kids, the people, the camera Man, Elmo, the director and the producer.

The cookie monster’s hobbies were to sit down and eat cookies all day until he got full. The Cookie monster always wanted a dog called the Cookie doggy, the day the Cookie monster died from cookie cancer he got his dog and was never got to see it again and career was over. The Cookie monster funeral will be held at Cookie Ave 22 Street in Toronto may the Cookie monster rest in peace.

BY: Tomer Busheri 7A

Shalom from Israel

Hi everyone, this is Shakaed. I’m writing to you from Israel. We arrived here two weeks ago. You can’t believe how warm it is here. It hardly rained so far and the average temperature is over 20 degrees. For us it’s good because we like the hot weather, but it’s actually not good at all since Israel needs the rain and everyone is hoping for some rain to come.

We flew to Israel with KLM and stopped in Amsterdam on the way. We had to stay at the airport for eight hours before our next flight so we stayed at a hotel there . It was a small hotel which was located at the airport, you didn’t even need to go through security to get there. The hotel room was very small; it only fit about two people. Me, my mom, and my little sister stayed in one room and my brother and my dad were in the other one. Everything in the room was electronic. There were buttons on the side of the bed that controlled the light, the TV, etc. You even had to click on a button to convert the sofa to a bed.

When we arrived in Israel my grandparents were waiting for us at the airport. It was really nice to see them again. After we were greeted by my grandparents, we went to my dad’s parents’ house. It was 4:00AM!

Israel is 10 hours ahead of Vancouver so we all had jetlag. For a few days my nights were my mornings and my mornings were my nights. I would wake up at about 5 pm and go to sleep at about 7 am. My grandpa called all of us owels :)

We are spending most of our time with our extended family. We see some of them every day and we also had two big get togethers with the whole family. Last Saturday all of my dad’s side of the family got together for a picnic. My dad has five sisters, and all of them have kids, so you can imagine how many people were there. After we finished eating we climbed up Mearat Ha’etzbah (“Finger Cave”). When we came back down we played games and had desert. Two days ago, on Saturday, we met with my mom’s side of the family. They all came over to my Mom’s parents’ house. We ate and talked. It was a lot of fun.

On Sunday I went to a show called the Festigal. The Festigal is a song competition, but basically it is a performance for kids where famous people in Israel act out a story with songs that relate to the story. At the end of the show people vote for which song they liked best. It is a very impressive performance with dancers and songs and I enjoyed it very much.

Enjoy the snow in Vancouver! I’ll write more soon.


Tuesday, December 16, 2008


In case you forgot...

Due tomorrow:

-Graphic organizer
-Study outline

Ancient Greece Homework

Are we supposed to finish our graphic organizers or just do the study outline?



Mr. G can you please send me the link of the you tube video of Odysseus' journey home to Ithaca.



Do we have to post our obituaries????


On July 18th 2008 Medusa the Gorgon died at stone fort General Hospital. Her Sisters will sadly miss her. She died after going to an amusement park and accidentally wandering into the hall of mirrors. She was a loving caretaker of her pet rock Philip who obviously misses her. Her funeral service will be held at 6766 rock-well drive.

By Micah Berlow

Monday, December 15, 2008

Obituary for Mickey Mouse

Mickey Mouse

Mickey Mouse, 80, passed away on November 18th 2008,his 80th birthday, at Mickey Mouse Clubhouse Hospital. He will be sadly missed by his loving wife, Minnie Mouse. By his side were his caring and loving friends, Daisy Duck, Dewey, Donald Duck, Goofy, Huey, Louie, Peg Leg Pete and his wonderful pet dog Pluto. Mickey had great adventures with his friends and always enjoyed meeting his fans in Disney Parks. A funeral service will be held at 1:00 p.m. Tuesday, November 24th 2008 at the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, Main Street Disneyland.



The Obituary of Tinkerbell
Written By: Bayle James

Tina, also known as Tinkerbell, was only 26 when she died from an overdose of ‘pixy dust’. She died on Monday, October 31st at 6:30 pm in the sky above Never Land. She is going to be missed dearly by Peter Pan, The Lost Boys (Tootles, Nibs, Slightly, Curly and The Twins), Wendy and all of her friends in Never Land. She will be remembered for her pouting, her jealousy and her good heart. Tinkerbell spent her whole life in Never Land. She lived with Peter and the Lost Boys in Slightly’s Tree house. One of Tinkerbell’s proudest moments was when she saved Peter from a poisoned drink that Captain Hook gave to Peter to kill him. She drank the drink to save her friend and almost died. Then she was saved by Peter who encouraged children to clap their hands to prove that they believed in fairies. Ceremonies to celebrate the life of Tinkerbell will take place second to the right and straight on till morning. Donations can be made to F.O.O.P.A. (Fairies Off Of Pixy Dust Association).

Bingo Prizes

7A: please bring in donations of lottery tickets by the end of the week for bingo baskets.

Obiturary for Bart Simpson

Bartholomew J. Simpson "El Barto" passed away last Thursday at age 10. This happened during a tragic skateboarding accident over Springfield Gorge. He will be missed by his sort of loving family, Marge his mom, Homer his dad and Lisa "Snot face" his loving sister. He also left behind an adoring cat Snowball II and an affectionate dog Santa's Little Helper. The funeral will be held at The First Church of Springfield 123 Fake street. The service will be lead by Reverand Lovejoy at 2:30pm Monday afternoon.

The Cookie Monster

The Cookie Monster

The cookie monster passed away at age 50 January 1 1800, at the mental Cookie hospital at 12:00 am in the morning. He will be sadly and sadly missed by his loving family who called him the Cookie monster along with his dedication to his family and friends, a beloved mother called the Cookie mama and his father called the Cookie daddy, and to his friends that loved the Cookie monster named The Big Yellow Bird, The Garbage Man, The Kids, The People, The Camera Man, The Director, The Producer, and his brother called the Cookie nerd, and his sister called the Cookie geek, and his younger brother called the Cookie dork, and his grandma and his grandpa. The cookie monster hobbies were to sit down and eat cookies all day 24/7 non-stops until he got full. The Cookie monster always wanted a dog called the Cookie doggy, the day the Cookie monster died from cookie cancer he got his dog and was never got to see it again and career was over. The Cookie monster funeral will be held at Cookie Ave 22 Street in Toronto may the Cookie monster rest in peace.

BY: Tomer Busheri 7A

Jug-Head's Dead!

Jug head Jones died on October 9th 2008 at the age of 18. He died of food poisoning at the Riverdale ICU. He will be sadly missed by lifelong friends: Archie Andrews, Veronica Lodge, Betty Cooper, and most of all Pop Tate: owner of Pop’s Choklit Shoppe. He also was a devoted food lover and has on record eaten 91 hamburgers in one sitting. His beloved pet; Hot-Dog will be adopted by Archie Andrews. A funeral service will be held a 5:00 Pm on Monday 15th at the Riverdale Church, 4266 whether drive

Dracula Obituary

Dracula, age 200 died in Fang Hospital after sucking blood out of a poisonous peacock, on Jan 10th 1996. His wife, children and many others except Ogi the Bear will miss him. Dracula had a strong relationship with Pete the Farmer. They would always go to Vampire Bowling together. Pete misses him dearly. Dracula's bat “Ron” wept for about an hour and then moved on. Dracula also had a cat named “Tooth”, a cow name “Jim”, a frog named “Hermit”, a squirrel named “Dog” and a chestnut named “Bill”. Dracula always enjoyed taking long walks across Blood Mountain and enjoyed going to the disco for vampires at 9’ o clock every night. A funeral will be held at Fang Synagogue, 2734 Tooth Road. Everyone is welcome to bring gifts in memory of Dracula. Complimentary punch to follow.


Sunday, December 14, 2008


Hey Guys!

I don't really understand the homework for Monday. Do we gather info about a mythical character or do we get a myth about a mythical character??????????

Daora the Explorer Obituary

Dora the Explorer
Dora the Explorer suffered a difficult death on the 3rd of April 2008. Dora’s friend map was stolen by a mysterious bird and he flew up to the tallest mountain with map in his feet. Dora had always relied on her map for directions and had no clue how to get to the tallest mountain and neither did her monkey friend Boots. Dora and Boots wondered around the path that they were on for a little while and did not find the tallest mountain. After the day was done and it was time to go to bed. Dora was so worried because she had to get home to her grandma that night. With all her worries she fainted and died. Boots the monkey said that after this had happened he ran in all directions to find help and magically found Dora’s Grandmother’s home.
Dora had many friends and family including Boots (the monkey), Diego, her grandma, Swiper (her enemy), Map, Backpack, Benny (the cow), Easa (the iguana) and Tico (the squirrel). They all miss her dearly.
Dora’s number one hobby was exploring. She loved to go on adventures to help people. She was very giving and selfless. She will be missed by many people.
Her funeral will be held on the 5th of April 2008 in the at Kits beach from 11-1.

Friday, December 12, 2008

Glossary post for Hazy

Dictionary entry for Hazy

Hazy (hey-zee) indefinite, blurry, confusing



1. Bring in a copy of a Greek myth of your choice for in-class obituary write on Monday.
2. 5% bonus if you post your practice obituary from Friday's class. BONUS ONLY IF YOUR WORK IS POLISHED. You will lose 1% for each proofreading error.


English travelers found parts of an animal that once was called the Minotaur.

Glossary Posts for Himation and Centaur


Centaur is to myth as Cinderella is to fairy tale.

Newspaper Headline:

Himations and Togas back in Style!

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Riddle to Hephaestus

What do you do when you can't start a fire?

Answer: Call Hephaestus

Fraud Acrostic


Ron cheated
Ulla scammed


Analogy for democracy:

Democracy is to government as macbook is to computer.

Danny G

"Zeus" Glossary Post

Newspaper Headline:
Zeus' roar shook the earths core.


Analogy for Homer

Homer is to poet
as Iliad is to book

Analogy to Iliad

Iliad is to Homer as Twilight is to Stephenie Meyer


Headline To The Word Frescoe

"Picasso has sold over 2,000,000 fresoes in one day!"

Democracy Glossary Page


Don't forget to vote
Make a possitive difference
Opens doors to freedom
Can be emancipating
A free country
You can have justice

Galia Horwitz 7B

Analogy "Oracle"

Oracle is to prophecies as Synagogue is to praying

Impeccable Analogy/ Archaeologist Headline

Impeccable is to flawless as tiny is to puny.

"Archaeologists Discover Ancient Greek Ruins in Corinth."

-Bram 7A

Analogy for civilization

civilization is to advancement as beautiful is to gorgeous

Glossary page for Olympic Games

Dictionary Entry:
Athletic Competitions held every four years in honor of Zeus as his sanctuary Olympia.


Root tree for Sacrifice

Root tree:

- sacrificial



Headline for Chiton

"Many women and men run to stores to find a Chiton!!!"


Greece Glossaries Due Tomorrow

Ancient Greece Study Outline Example

Ancient Greece (Underlined)

I. Famous Myths (4)
-----A. Minotaur
----------1. Evil King Minos; Half-Bull/Man.

II. Important Places (4)

III. Notable Names (3)

IV. Greek Gods (5)

V. Greek Contributions to Today (4)

VI. Ancient Greek Civilizations (3)

Wednesday, December 10, 2008


Iliad- one of the poems with the odyssey/ story of the Trojan War

Mycenaean’s-cultural period/ lived in Hellas/built big forts/ war/artsy people

Knossos/Crete-archaeological site, where Linear B and A were found

Troy- City of the Trojan War/ got destroyed

Frescoe-panting on a wall/wall painting

Archaeology- study of evidence of ancient people

Minoans- lived in Crete/traders/no war very peaceful/woman involved

Isthmus-narrow strip of land joining to big pieces of land

Minotaur- Half man half bull/ got killed by Thesues

Democracy- people choice government

Dorian’s-Had a war that lasted over 300 years/major Greek tribe/ mentioned in the Odyssey

Linear B- Found in Knossos/ brothers with Linear A/Mycenaean’s alphabet/ discovered by Michael Ventris

Sparta- City/major military region/ all free males were soldiers

Xerxes- King of Persia/ Greek form of the old throne name meaning ruler of heroes

Oligarchy/monarchy- When the leaders are made from a small group/leader is one person who makes rules

Schliemann-German archaeologist/ He spoke of old Greek places/ took some of his info fro the Iliad

Menelaus- Wife Helen/ was in the Trojan War/ furious at Paris/ King of Greece

Anthropology- Scientific study of the origins of humans

Climate/ weather- The common weather pattern in one place for a long time/ (snow/wind/rain/fog/sun)

Thermopylae- Battle between Greek Cities and Persian empire/ in central Greece

Peninsula- piece of land surrounded on three sides by water

Dark Ages- Time period before the Dorian War

Paris- Prince of troy, had an affair with Helen (Menelaus’ wife)

Pheidippides- Hero of Ancient Greece/ Hero of the sporting event, the Marathon

Homer- wrote the story of the Oddysey/ Iliad(story of the Trojan War)/ one of the storytellers

Achashverosh-Is basically known to be a XERXES/ King of Persia

Atlantis- Mythical sunken city/ legendary island/ after failing to conquer Athens it sunk


Tuesday, December 9, 2008


Headline: Biggest yaffle in the world lays a 3 ft wide egg.

Ancient Greece Test

Dear students,

I am postponing the test on Ancient Greece until next week as it would not be fair to have it with all of the concert rehearsals and disruptions to your schedule.

We will have a study session on Friday, and will set a new date for the test after that.

Get some sleep before the big night!

Monday, December 8, 2008


Aloha everybody! :) my flight tonight is leaving at approx. 11:50 pm Hawaiian time and I will arrive at approx. 7 am tomorrow.

See y'all on Wednesday and Aloha!


Sunday, December 7, 2008

Oracle Acrostic

O Orin said to Rena ‘you will be famous.’
R Rena told Adam that he will get rich.
A Adam thinks Carl will get a dog for his birthday.
C Carl mentioned that Lucy will never get a pet.
L Lucy pointed out that Evelyn was going to be a movie star.
E Evelyn wanted to tell you that this acrostic will get a good grade.


Centaur Analogy

Centaur is to horse- man as Merman is to mer- man.

Centaur GLossary

Centaur Analogy:

Centaur is to horse-man as Minotaur is to bull-man.

Marc L.

Saturday, December 6, 2008


Aloha everyone. It's Harry blogging all the way from Waikiki, Oahu. Today I went snorkeling in Hanauma Bay and got some awesome photos!!!


Test on Ancient Greek Civilizations

What: Test
When: Thursday
How to prepare: make sure your graphic organizer is complete
(you'll get to use it!)

Greek glossary post for Centaur

Centaur is to horse as minotaur is to bull

Friday, December 5, 2008

Greek Mythology

When is our Greek Mythology test?



Thursday, December 4, 2008

Headline for Preposterous

"Men wear preposterous outfits"


Abyss Analogy

Abyss is to gorge as ravin is to crow

Analogy to the word curio

Curio is to fingernails as fruit is to passion fruit

"Cantankerous" Riddle ????????

Q: What do you call a person who is bad tempered, uncooperative and argumentative?

A: A Cantankerous 

Curtail Headline

Headline: Days are curtailed for Fall.



Word: Ensue

Argument, take place, happen , occur, proceed 


Dictionary entry:

Lazy or stupid person. [Me, of unkn. orig.]


Amatory dictionary entry

Analogy Amatory:

Amatory is to fateful as smile is to frown.




Forgo is to abandon as continue is to keep.

Marc L.

Glossay entry for Vacant

“Hey man, what’s up?” Marcus asks.
“Oh, nothing much, I am just so worried about finding parking tonight at the hockey game, it’s the biggest one of the season and it will be packed!!” Jack claims.
“Oh! You know what, I have the perfect solution for you, I heard that there is a vacant parking lot five to six blocks away from the stadium and you only have to pay a loony for the whole night, isn’t that great!!” Marcus says proud of his discovery.
“Thanks Marcus, just because you did that I am inviting you to the game! Would you like to come?”
“I would love to Jack!”
“We will leave at seven, man!”
“Got it! See you then” Marcus replies excitedly

Glossary Page

Thesaurus entry for Destitute:

Synonyms: bankrupt, moneyless,needy
Antonyms:lucky, wealthy, rich

Analogy for Dissipate:
Dissipate is to misuse as steep is to precipitous.


Analogy to rapidly


rapidly is to slowly as short is to tall

- Mikaela

Headline and acrostic

Headline for mingle:

"Two kids were badly injured while mingling."

Acrostic for ajar:

A monster named
Joe is
Right outside an ajar door

Danny G



Q: What is a door called when it is 1/4 open?
A: an ajar door

Ravenous Thesaurus Entry

Thesaurus entry for ravenous:

extremely hungry

not hungry


Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Acropolis Glossary Page

This conversion is between a hotel manager (Costas) in Athens and a Canadian un-educated tourist (Fred).
Costas: now that your stay is coming to an end in Athens how have you enjoyed it?
Fred: I have found this whole city most remarkable especially the ruins.
Costas: I am so glad, but you have gone to the Parthenon in the Acropolis haven’t you?
Fred: What’s the Partenlyon?
Costas: Parthenon. You haven’t been to it; oh my you mustn’t leave without seeing it. If you head there right now you will have enough time to get a brief glance at it.
Fred: Thanks so much Costas I’ll head to the Partenlyon on the Arolpis right now. Bye!

Costas: Parthenon on the Acropolis

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

M-dog and M-dogs Greek Minoan Rap



They were civilized, civilized nation,

 Just hold up, you gotta be patient,

The island of Crete is where, the Minoans were created,

Remarkable people, all I can say, wait there is more coming your own way,

Built beautiful palaces, languages too,

 Art was their thing, the people over there were way better you.

They were the first at trading, and lived from 3000 to 375 BCE,

Even though they all died, their names are still to be,

They were peaceful people, didn’t have protective walls,

 If someone attacked they were sure to fall.

 Painting showed their life, in a colorful way,

 They recorded more paintings day by day,

They called painting frescoes,

 And that’s cool my bros.

They loved sports, great at them too,

 They invented Olympics, just for me and you.

 Woman played big parts, in their culture,

They took part of the ceremonies and helped out one and other.

They had beautiful art, languages too,

 That is quite phenomenal, my Greek learning brews.

They invented backgammon, super fun,

They traded in Egypt, wine, oil and rum.

No temples or churches, only a goddess of the earth,

That’s what they believed, and they were never hurt.

Had small shrines everywhere, but they didn’t care,

A connection to the gods is all that was theirs.

The painting were scary, double headed axes and... knives,

 Killing people, and taking many lives.

Gifts were given to the shrines,

Many presents everyday, most of the gifts were from all of mankind.

Great engineers, and builders,

 They built palaces for their peers,

And the houses that were built,

Were perfect and no tilt.

They were five stories high,

And that’s no lie.

Rich Minoans, had toilets and tubs,

The toilets flushed down all their manly grubs.

Their farmers grew grain, crops, olives and grapes,

 This stuff was grown in Crete.

Farmers raised sheep, goats and pigs,

But they all smelled because they ate to many figs.

This is the ending, nobody will ascend,

 In 375 there was a volcano that caused the end.

There was a tsunami,

Oh please help me mommy,

The waves washed Crete

And destruction was complete.

The volcano erupted in 375 B.C.E,

 It was the largest explosion in human history.

No one recovered, even though the town survived,

 The town was diminished and no one revived,

That was the last of Minoans, later on invaders named Mycenaeans had conquered Crete,

 And that was the end of the Minoans wait.

  The story ends here, I am sorry my peers,

We will talk to you later up from Greek heaven, so make a wish it’s 11:11.


Matt and Max


The Dorians

In the mountains in northern Greece lived tribal people called the Dorians. They lived in villages ruled by warrior chiefs. There hunting provided more food then farming. The usually went to sea to attack neighbors rather than trade. The Mycenaean’s and the Dorians shared Hellas for 500 years. Also the Mycenaean’s were not interested in the poor Dorians because they had no riches to steal. The life of the Dorians was different to the Mycenaean’s or the Minoans. The Dorian had no interest in writing the preferred to speak simple Greek. In the southern cities they thought the Dorians were useless, that was a mistake. The Dorians became experts in metal, by 1200 B.C.E. the Dorians made weapons from new metal (iron.) It was twice as hard a bronze and it was sharper and lighter. The iron spear would go right through bronze. Copper used to make the bronze and it was plentiful, that’s why the Mycenaean’s used it to make weapons. That’s how the Dorians became stronger and they conquered most of Hellas.

Analogy for Vacant

vacant is to empty as sad is to blue

my EPIC script


When you think of a good bedtime story you don’t usually think of an epic seducer named homer, lighting the seen with romantic candles and incense, and telling you about a romantic ending to a twenty year journey about a sailor named Odysseus finding true love for a second time with the same wife!

Nope, honestly, my sister reading me half of the book good night moon comes as close as I get to that Benny!

Real close Jed… Real close!

Well on that note folks I should tell you that Homer and his historic stories, called Epics, are not bouncing back to the beat of the Meter, or rhythm, of his Lyre any time soon.

Couldn’t have said it better
Myself Jed! I’m sorry that good night moon is still in your agenda! But yes those EPIC stories, excuse the pun, date back to the dark age of Hellas, which is right in between the firs Olympics and the Darien invasion. About 2800 years ago.

Yes, don’t get excited folks; these epic seducers aren’t coming back any time soon, to pay you a night time visit! I guess you are still stuck with the old fashion of counting sheep!

Good call Jed, but how would they get here anyways? Written history was never recorded, so how do we know what kind of transportation they used!

You are right but the thing is, is that in all of the epics, we know and love, always tell us about the long trips by boat.

Ya, don’t you remember that old epic about Odysseus and his extended road trip because of bragging? That was a sad one, but in the end it had a happy ending, which is of course how all stories end.

OH YA! I remember that one! And how in the end he comes back to his hometown, Ithaca, and realized that he had to search for true love in his own wife. And after a competition, to see who was the best warrior in the land, with a grand prize, which was to marry the widowed queen, he realized his love for his old wife and ended up wining the competition and marring her once again.

That is a great story, but I'm sure that it would be told a little bit better by the original, The Epic Master…. Homer.

Yes Benny Obviously Homer Simpson would read it a bit funnier, no kidding!

Dude, are you that clueless on this subject?

(Look around worried) no?

Yo you know that where talking about one of the best storie teller slash musician ever right?

YES. I never thought that my jokes where that pitiful.

Well you know as they say, you learn something every day.

Ya, and lets hope that our great audience has too!

Hey! Ya thank you very much!

Monday, December 1, 2008


Dictionary Entry:
Spelled: floccinaucinihilipilification
Pronounced: flak-si-na(w)-si-ni-hi-li-pi-li-fi-'key-shên]
Part of Speech: noun
Definition: holding or judging something to be worthless
Origin: 1741 England


The Minoan Civilization

Music Video: The Mycenaeans