Wednesday, December 5, 2007

6 Million Scars

Into the heart
Between seas and fields
It’s hard to imagine what happened

There are men blessed by heaven
With a story
Who sometimes are unable to distinguish
Many years of pain
With the Scars they carry

They lived
The Men with


yoad said...

thats great title. and just for the looks it might be better if you show a scar or something like that in the middle of the writing. well good job. make a new one. i think you defeniteley should.

Nini said...

Great title! I think its so much better than the other drafts. Good job!

Marc L. said...

Wow, just the perfect title! I like how that when we hear 6 million the first thought that comes to our head is the Jews that died. Then scars has a lot to do with your poem, so it just makes the perfect match!

Good work!
Marc L.

Aviva said...

great poem!! It was very descriptive and thoughtful!! The title is very hooking!! If i were to see that title I would want to read the poem right away!!

marko FM said...

i was always amazed from that poem all i can say is wow wow WOW!!!!!!!!!!