Saturday, December 8, 2007

The blue chair

Theres a chair in the
middle of the

Whats it doing there? That
I do not

I feel like its trying
to say something

I think in my head.
But my brain's

Theres a chair in the
middle of the

Its blue. It has metal
coloured linings. Its

my feelings for this chair
are big. my friend

Theres a chair in the
middle of the

someone comes and sits on
the chair. I die

I feel heart broken. My
eyes drooped in

Theres a chair in the
middle of the



Aviva said...

Wow Janine!! You have progressed sooooooooooo much in your poetry!! From the dolphin poem (which was amazing!!!) to this!! I guess that makes this poem double amazing!! I cant wait to see more of your poems it seems like you are writing poetry in your sleep!! write so much!! It's amazing keep outstanding work!!


Marc L. said...

Hey Janine,

That was an amazing poem!
I want to ask you what you think it means and get your interpertation on it. Otherwise awsome!

Keep up the GREAT work!

Marc L.

Nini said...

Well I made this poem Saturday night when I had to go to Israeli dancing party at the JCC, I really didn't feel like dancing so I brought some stuff to do. I brought my poetry coil note book just in case too. At the JCC They also have Blue chairs with metal linings. My interpertation was that sometimes I feel awkward like an object is trying to talk to me. So hopefully that answers your questoin.


Nomi said...


This was good.
But what's going on?
I'm left under the hood,
Thinking I'm wrong.
It seems so deep
With meaning to spare,
But it seems to seep
Through me unaware.
I'll read it once more
But I can't promise you
That the symbols will pour
Into my mind, quickly too,
'Cause it's just so clever
That I'm having a little trouble
If I read it again, chances of ever
Understanding won't double.
But a well written verse
A joyous thing to read
A gift, not a curse
You're an ever-growing seed.

~Nomi, Grade 12, Lord Byng Secondary

PS. What's with the whole dying if the chair is sat on? I really don't understand. I'll go through it again, but the symbolism escapes me.

Nini said...

First of all, Thanks for commenting on my poem. What I mean with the line "I die" its like that my love for this chair has left because someone smooshed it (sat on the chair) hope it answers your question.

P.S. Your poetry looks amazing just from reading a comment:)

