Baseball is the best team sport because everyone has to do their job or else the game won’t flow properly, and everyone uses their own unique talent to contribute their part for the team. For example, if your teammates didn’t work together it would be harder to advance the ball to where you wanted it to go.
In baseball, the players usually specialize in a position and have different qualities that can help the team win. For example, the pitcher has to throw the ball in different ways to increase his or her chance of getting it passed the batter.
In baseball you have to have 9 players to fill the positions on the field, and if you don’t, you won’t move the ball as fast as you usually would with 9, which would increase your chance of losing.
Basketball, soccer, and hockey are all team sports but in hockey and the other sports I listed you can take the ball/puck the whole way up the field/court. In baseball you can’t run with the ball and chase the other team around, so you have to relay it around to get the ball to the teammate closest to the opponent to get them out. And that’s how I know that baseball is the best team sport.
SOCCERS BETTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ari, that's a poor response to Benny's solid argument. You can do better than that!
sorry about that,
Benny i Think that this argument is very strong. Although I do like soccer better you almost made me change my mind. I like how you really emphasised that baseball is a team sport.
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