Sunday, March 16, 2008

Football poem

Hey every body this is a poem that i wrote about football, i'm not sure if it is good or not,

please comment... ^_^

Life is like a football
easy to catch
easy to throw
but when it drops
you never know where


Anonymous said...

Wow, it was a great poem and although it was short it was very powerful.


Aviva said...

wow Micah!! great job! Maybe you should add a bit more to it and then end with the same as the first stanza.....just an idea though...otherwise excellent job!

Marc L. said...

I like the meaning of the poem and I think that if you added on a bit more, it would turn the poem from a great poem to a amazing poem.

Marc L.

Bram said...

How true. Great poem, but maybe say some more things like easy to catch, for example, easy to steal. All though it's your poem.

Your classmate (well more like a grade mate),

Bram S.

Jonah said...

add more detail on hwhat fo otball is. otherwise it was awesome