Friday, December 14, 2007

it just is not for me

hey guys this is my first draft if you can comment that would be great thanks hope you like it

how do they do it
how can this be
writing a poem
just is not for me

as i look at the wall
and stare at the page
all i can think about
is my enoumouse rage

do they look straight ahead
do they get it from a chart
it seems that some people
can write poetry in the dark

but i have come to a conclution
it stings me like a bee
that writing poerty
just is not for me



Marc L. said...

WOW!!!! Nothing i didn't expect from you Mic. An amazing rhyming poem that actually made sense and was clear! Great job and I think you should expand it and make it longer!

Another job WELL DONE1
Marc L. :)

Anonymous said...

This was rlly amazing!!!! I rlly loved your concept and i loved how u were so discriptive and rlly explained why poetry is so hard. just one thing is that in the end of it when u said "it stings me like a bee" and then u ryhmed. did u mean to ryhme that stanza then maybe u should ryhme everythin. anyway rlly good job!!!!


Nini said...

Good Job!!! It was really good and funny because your the one who can write poetry. I agree with Marc, I think it shoud be a bit longer but short and sweet is good too.:)
