Tuesday, April 29, 2008


Tzedakah vs. Charity

Tzedakah and charity are two different things. Charity means giving from the heart. You can give as much or as little as you want. The only problem is, is that on some days we don't feel as generouse as others so we don't give as much. Tzedakah is not only giving money. It is time,talent and money. We give no matter what are emotions are and no matter how much we have.

Levels of Tzedakah
There are eight different levels of tzedakah. The eight levels were created by a man named Rambam. He was a rabbi and community leader. The lowest one is giving without wanting to and the highest is giving anonymously. If you give anonymously it means that you don't need someone to thank you for what you donated because that is not the important part. Another very meaningful way to perform tzedakah is to find a person a job. Doing that you are making them able to earn money and they will keep getting it unlike donating a certain amount they will just run out.

Can Kids Perform Tzedakah?
Any age can perform tzedakah. Adults usually donate money. Kids can do that or they could help out somewhere like a soup kitchen. They should always know and understand what they are supporting before they help out. The only problem is that for some places to volunteer you must be over a certain age but you can find other ways to help. All ages can perform tzedakah.

What Does Tzedakah Have To Do With Judaism?
Hillel has a saying that basically means we should always take care of ourselves and others no matter how much we have. That also means that we give what we have. Tzedakah has been around for many years. Some of the occasions we give tzedakah are on baby namings and weddings. We also give on some holidays like Rosh Hashanah and Purim.

How Should Tzedakah Be Given?
In Biblical times people use to leave the corners of their fields to the less fortunate. We still do that today but in a different way. Today we leave a bit of our income and donate it to the people who need it. We should be giving from our heart and not because we were told to. If you cant donate any money then you can volunteer some were.

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