Tuesday, April 29, 2008


Tzedakah plays a big role in the Jewish community, as it allows people in need to receive help from people that can give the help. Tzedakah is not charity because charity means giving money, but tzedakah means giving money,food, shelter, jobs, education, and time that many people that otherwise wouldn't give.

Moses Mimonides was a Rabi who defied the eight levels of tzedakah. The best way to perform tzedakah is by helping the recipient became self-supporting through a gift or a loan or by finding employment for the recipient. At the opposite or lowest end of the levels is giving reluctantly and with regret. In whatever level you perform tzedakah you should give ten to twenty percent of your earnings.

Everyone can perform tzedakah regardless of age, ability and wealth. Tzedakah isn't restricted to giving money. you can also give time and energy to help someone. Tzedakah extends from putting a simle on someones face to making someone self-supporting.

By: Marko

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