Thursday, February 4, 2010

How sesame street preserves the evironment

All the characters from Sesame Street sat around a huge white table, with a very familiar face on top of it. A clear white sign hanging from the ceiling that read “Happy Thanksgiving. You could here everyone’s stomach rumbling with hunger from a mile away.
“What up, Elmo? Doesn’t Big Bird look so good on a plate? Look at his bright orange legs and fat yellow stomach. Man I can’t wait, said Ernie.
“Wait for what” yelled Elmo.
“Wow, you didn’t know we were eating Big Bird, you’re a dummy” whispered Ernie.
“We’re eating Big Bird, but why” said Elmo in a very quiet voice.
“No one told you about Big Bird’s death” whispered Ernie in the quietest voice he could think of.
“No, what happened” whispered back Elmo in the exact same voice that Ernie was talking in.
“Well, he had a heart attack” whispered Ernie again.
“What?” yelled Elmo.
Elmo stared to sob hard but very quickly.
“Were just trying to preserve our environment” yelled everyone at the table.
“Well, I guess you all have a very good point” said Elmo in a very ashamed voice.
“Everyone dig in” yelled Bert at the top of his lungs.
So everyone ate Big Bird quickly but happily.
“We are all too good to the environment” said everyone in a sarcastic way.
“Why don’t we all go out and celebrate” screeched everyone.

1 comment:

Isobel said...

Awesome job Shane!
That was really funny with the preserving the environment!
- Is :)