Thursday, April 22, 2010

Opening Statement

Mr. Gelmon and our fellow classmates,

Throughout your life you will need to do research for projects, jobs, and other things in your lifetime. To be able to research is one of the many skills you will need to learn in elementary school. This skill will take you on amazing journeys throughout your life. When you choose to research, use Google. Our group, the Googles has found amazing information with this source. Google is accessible; convenient and you can use it on any computer model with Internet access. Google is easy to use and is available in any language. Google has more information than most other sources (Books, Wiki’s, Primary Sources/Chronicles, and Periodicals.) Let me ask you, how many times have you used Google, Google images or even Gmail? Most of your answers, would be everyday. Google offers so many programs that make our source better than the rest.

Thank You,

Barbara, Danielle, Ashley, Yaakov & Gabriel

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