Monday, January 5, 2009

Past and Present Paragraphs

Present tense:

I am in the car on my way to Seattle and I think that this trip will be lots of fun.  My dad and I are watching a movie and then we are there.  I really want to play some basketball with my dad, but my mom keeps telling me I can’t play basketball until I buy the clothes I need.  I am not happy about this!  I am on my way to the mall (unfortunately).  I am at the mall (hooray).  I am following my mom around (yawn).  I am trying on whatever my mom gives me to make this as quick as possible (groan).  I now have all my clothes (and a little less of my dignity) and my mom finally says I can go play some basketball.


Past tense:

This weekend I drove to Seattle.  The car ride was fun because I got to watch movies with my dad the whole time.  I really wanted to play some basketball, but my mom forced me to go shopping for some clothes I needed at the mall.  I reluctantly went and struggled through all my shopping and finally got to play basketball.

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