Sunday, January 31, 2010


-By: Barbie
We stare down
To the bottom of the sandbox
From the highest most wonderful slide in the world
Buffy and I start down
Shrieking, yelling, screaming, at the top of our lungs
"Whoosh!" A gust of wind blows, we are swept down instantly
My toes in tiny Mary-Janes brush the cold earth
We start up again
We slide down
My dragon, Buffy swoops up
Carying me over the sandbox
Joy rushes over me
I am shrieking, yellling and screaming and then it happens again
The sandbox reappears
Glowing, although it is made out of brown rough unwanted pecies of rock
I scream a blood curdling scream, but I am full of joy
Buffy scoops me up and we fly up toward the sky

1 comment:

maayan said...

good job! your poem really pulled me in and it got to the point