Monday, May 11, 2009

Journal Question

In order for someone to be happy in the “Giver” society they would need to not fit into our society.  They would have to be oblivious to the world around them, because you aren’t allowed to ask a lot of questions.  They would have to be accepting because there are weird rules that come up sometimes that you can’t question and you just have to accept.  They must enjoy work and not need pleasure, because the “Giver” society tries to avoid pleasure, i.e. the pills and not having entertainment.  They must enjoy blending in because the society wants everyone to be alike.  Finally, they must follow and never question the rules.


I think I would have a very difficult time in the “Giver” society.  I can be curious, I complain, I like change and I don’t like to accept things without knowing what I am accepting. These are all things you need to fit into Jonas’ society.  At times it would benefit me to have decisions made for me because sometimes I have trouble  making up my mind on things.  Also I enjoy biking, although I don’t know if you are allowed to bike for pleasure.   Basically, that society isn’t for me.


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