Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Danny's fixed "Bad" Paragraph

Yesterday it was my twelfth birthday and I had this crazy party. We all pigged out on pizza and pop, and then Max took a huge cannon ball into my pool, but he was so full that he puked on everything! My mom had to clean it all up! Since Ross wasn't there yet, I ate both of his pieces of pizza. When he arrived we were already on to the cake and ice cream, and he was pissed 'cause he didn't get to eat his pizza. I felt bad about it, so I then stole Adam's ice cream and gave it to Ross. He ate it so fast though that he got a huge headache and he had to be driven to the hospital in an ambulance. I don't know what was worse, my party, or the fact that we would have to tell Ross' mom what happened.

Danny G.

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