Tuesday, February 2, 2010

OMG! Is that Big Bird? (Bye, Bye Big Birdie)

OMG Is that Big Bird

It was Thanksgiving dinner at Elmo’s house; Bert, Ernie, Cookie Monster, Count, and Oscar the Grouch were very surprised to find out that Elmo was serving roasted Big Bird!
“What are we having for dinner Elmo?” Cookie Monster asked.
“You will know soon enough!” Elmo snapped.
“I know what we are having.” Bert said.
“What?” Ernie yells playfully.
“We are having roasted Big Bird!”
“I don’t believe you at all” said Ernie.
“Well you will find out for yourself when dinner starts” Bert says hastily
When Elmo Brings out Big Bird, Count and Oscar the Grouch get so mad that they leave dinner.
“Why did you kill big bird,” Count Fumes.
“Because I hate him!” Elmo says oblivious to the alarm on everyone else’s faces.
“WOW! You are a disgrace to the Sesame Street family; Big Bird is our friend too.” Count yells rapidly.
“YA!” the rest of the people at dinner yell.
“Ossie lets go! Let’s leave these cruel people to eat our poor Big Bird” Count sniffles which is very unlike him, because he normally shows no emotion.
“No I don’t want to; because I am hungry. Oh and by the way my name is Oscar the Grouch!” Oscar yells grouchily.
“Oh fine lets go” Oscar says grouchily. (Again)
“Okay! 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, Tick Tock Tick Tock”
Once Count and Oscar leave, dinner moves very slowly!
“Are we having cookies for dessert; Because C is for cookie and that good enough for me!” Cookie Monster sings.
“No we are having Yellow Feather Pudding covered in BB Feet Sauce!” Elmo says excitedly
“UWWW! GROSS! Why are we eating more of Big Bird?” Bert, Ernie and Cookie monster yell.
“We are also having Red Bird Heart Tea! I love eating Big Bird it makes me fell alive!” Elmo happily replied.
“Good thing I brought cookies. I brought chocolate, strawberry, oatmeal, banana, sugar, and butter cookies. I am a cookie-aholic!” Cookie Monster states happily.
“I force you to try my dessert or you will hurt my feelings,” Elmo commands.
“Well I am eating cookies!” Cookie Monster said
“Me too!” Bert and Ernie yell.
“Well fine then, if you three don’t want to eat the delicious food I cooked, you can leave.” Elmo shouts with fierce anger.
“Fine then we will!” Bert, Ernie, and Cookie Monster say snottily.
“Bye,” Elmo said sarcastically
“Bye, Bye. I hope you realize Elmo that you committed a crime, we are going to tell the court!” Bert, Ernie, and Cookie Monster say in unison.
“Go tell on me, do what you want twits!” Elmo yells in fury.
3 Weeks Later:

Dear, Mr. Elmo
You have been accused of killing Big Bird by Bert, Ernie, Count, Cookie Monster, and Oscar the Grouch. You are going to be tried in Sesame Street Court on the 15th of February, 2010 at 1:00 p.m. We require you to have a lawyer and evidence that you are not guilty.

Thank you for your attention,

The Court Crew & The Police

“Wow they are LOW!” Elmo said to himself.

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