Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Sensory Immage Paragraph

BOOM! BOOM! CRASH! BOOM! I wake up into a sudden flood of darkness. The first thing that jumps to my mind is: EARTHQUAKE! and I keep screaming that until I hear my mom yell back to me that its only a thunder storm. I calm myself down and try to fall back asleep, but that seems impossible. I just cant stop hearing: pit pat pit pat.. BOOM! BOOM! I can even smell the fresh smell of rain, and feel the wet touch of it on my arm, and the taste of it in my mouth, the watery taste. That's impossible! But it isn't, not if you have a leek in your roof! So I try and try to fall back asleep, rolling on my uncomfortably wet mattress. I suddenly see a flash of bright light, then another: BOOM! BOOM! CRASH! BOOM! Then suddenly, out of no where, the pouring stops, the thunder stops, and so does the lightning. I decide I might as well go back to sleep, but I can't get those annoying booming sounds out of my head. BOOM! Maybe it's not over after all!

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