Wednesday, January 27, 2010

You know when you are soaking wet and cold and you just want to get home and have a nice warm bath on a horrible, gloomy and wet day. Well I had to sit on a 19 hour flight like that, just me and my sister no change of clothes. Here's how it happened. It was the end of summer but it felt like the middle of autumn, we were on the way to the airport for our trip to Australia and running low on gas. Clonk clonk, clonk clonk was the sound of the car. We only were 10 minutes away from the airport then suddenly the car broke down, there was black smoke everywhere blinding us we couldn't even find the way out. Mum called a tow truck and a taxi, but it was to late we had to be at the airport in 20 minutes but the cab would take 30 minutes to arrive. We thought if we ran we could make it so we grabbed our luggage and dashed to the airport. We were 2 minutes away when i collapsed in a huge puddle of mud it was disgusting, but we were all drenched I didn't want to get any wetter so I got up and pushed it to my last extent. When we finally made it every one was starring at us but it didn't feel like us it felt like they were starring only at me, They were! were was my mum were was my sister. Well it turns out my mum took my sister to get changed as usual they forgot about me and by the time they got back I had no time to get changed, comet think of it we barely made the plane so i had to dream about finally landing in sunny Australia, well i would IF I COULD SLEEP!-Gabe

1 comment:

Barbie said...

i cart read it at all it is in symbols :(((((((((((((((((